BORNER, PETER PAUL (Swiss). Medallist, and Coin-engraver, born at Lucerne, 10. January 1656 (1657?), worked at the Mint of Rome, and died in 1727. Hecut, in a bold style, Portrait-medals of the Popes Alexander VII., Innocent XII., and Clement XI. Between 1677 and 1697 he was receiving a monthly allowance of 10 Florins. He also engraved a number of the scudi issued by these pontiffs. His signature (P. P. BORNER F; — P. BORNER F. ; — P. B. ; — B. F. ; — BORNER, F. ; —or P.P.B.F.) appears on Scudi of 1693, 1694, 1696, 1698 (R. The Three Graces), Mezzi Scudi, undated, and of 1692, Scudi of 1702, 1704, Mezzi Scudi of 1702, 1703 and 1704, &c. The Lucerne Library possesses the following specimens of P. P. Borner's work : Innocent XII., Half Scudo, 1697; — Scudo, 1692; — Half Scudi, 1692,1695; — Scudi, 1693, 1694, 1696; — Clement Xl., Half Scudi, 1702; — Scudi, 1702, 1703, 1707, A. VI; — Double Doppia in gold; — Five Baiocchi, 1708; — Medals on the Pope's Accession, &c. ; — Shield of arms of Lucerne (School Prize), &c. He is also supposed to be the author of unsigned medals of Innocent Xl., Alexander VIII., and the Pretender James III. Bibliography. — Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Cinagli, Le Monete de' Papi, Roma 1848. — C. Brun, Schweizerisches Künstler Lexicon.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
BÉVILLE, PAUL JULES ALBERT (French). Contemporary Medallist, born at Tours, and residing at Paris, 95 Avenue de Villiers ; a pupil of the sculptor Chapu. He is the author of several Portraitmedallions, amongst which that of Louis Victor Baillot, the last French survivor or the battle of Waterloo, decorated on 29th February 1896 with the cross of the Legion of Honour, is mentioned by Dr F. P. Weber in his article on Medals of Centenarians, Num. Chron., 1897, P- 311. He has also executed Portrait-...
BÉVILLE, PAUL JULES ALBERT (French). Contemporary Medallist, born at Tours, and residing at Paris, 95 Avenue de Villiers ; a pupil of the sculptor Chapu. He is the author of several Portraitmedallions, amongst which that of Louis Victor Baillot, the last French survivor or the battle of Waterloo, decorated on 29th February 1896 with the cross of the Legion of Honour, is mentioned by Dr F. P. Weber in his article on Medals of Centenarians, Num. Chron., 1897, P- 311. He has also executed Portrait-...
BEYER, JUSTINUS or JOHANN DE (Swiss). This Engraver, who was born at Basle, flourished in the early part of the eighteenth century at Berne, where he was still working in 1738. With Gessner, who filled the office of Master of the Mint at Zürich at about the same period, he is considered among the best eighteenth century Medal-engravers of Switzerland, after Hedlinger, and the two Dassiers. The following medals and coins by him are represented in the Wunderly von Muralt collection : Treaty of Aar...
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BEYER, JUSTINUS or JOHANN DE (Swiss). This Engraver, who was born at Basle, flourished in the early part of the eighteenth century at Berne, where he was still working in 1738. With Gessner, who filled the office of Master of the Mint at Zürich at about the same period, he is considered among the best eighteenth century Medal-engravers of Switzerland, after Hedlinger, and the two Dassiers. The following medals and coins by him are represented in the Wunderly von Muralt collection : Treaty of Aar...
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BIANCHI, CAV. FRANCESCO (Ital.). Papal Mint-engraver and Medallist; succeeded his father Ignazio in 1869. He executed the dies for the last Papal Coinage, in 1870, and is the author of over a hundred medals of Pius IX. and Leo XIII., none of which are of much interest from an artistic point of view. Among the best known productions of this Die-sinker are : Pius IX., 1870, AI 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 Lire; AR 5, 2, 1 and 1/2 Lire; — Pius IX. as Princeps Pastorum; — Congress of Italian Physicians at ...
BIANCHI, CAV. FRANCESCO (Ital.). Papal Mint-engraver and Medallist; succeeded his father Ignazio in 1869. He executed the dies for the last Papal Coinage, in 1870, and is the author of over a hundred medals of Pius IX. and Leo XIII., none of which are of much interest from an artistic point of view. Among the best known productions of this Die-sinker are : Pius IX., 1870, AI 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 Lire; AR 5, 2, 1 and 1/2 Lire; — Pius IX. as Princeps Pastorum; — Congress of Italian Physicians at ...
BIANCHI, IGNAZIO (Ital.). Papal Mint-engraver and Medallist; worked at Rome between 1848 and 1869, and executed besides the coinage a large number of medals with bust of the Pope Pius IX., and others. One of his finest productions is a large and heavy medal in silver, representing on R the interior of St. John Lateran's Church, a master-piece of the art of die-sinking. By him are also : Inauguration of San Spirito Hospital, Rome, .1866; — Hospital of St. Onofrius for the Insane, 1866; — St. Tho...
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BIANCHI, IGNAZIO (Ital.). Papal Mint-engraver and Medallist; worked at Rome between 1848 and 1869, and executed besides the coinage a large number of medals with bust of the Pope Pius IX., and others. One of his finest productions is a large and heavy medal in silver, representing on R the interior of St. John Lateran's Church, a master-piece of the art of die-sinking. By him are also : Inauguration of San Spirito Hospital, Rome, .1866; — Hospital of St. Onofrius for the Insane, 1866; — St. Tho...
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