CHRISTELBAUER, JOSEPH CHRISTIAN (Austr.). Contemporary Viennese Die-sinker and Medallist, born in 1820, † 20. August 1897. Among the more recent productions of this die-sinking establishment, I may record the following medals : Marriage of Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria with Princess Stephanie of Belgium, 1881 ; — International Postal Exhibition at Vienna, 1890; — Electrical Exhibition at Vienna, 1883 ; — National Exhibition at Buda-Pesth, 1885 (3 var-); — Public Festivities at Vienna, 1881; —" Public Festivities at Krems, 1881; — Dedication of the“ Kaiserglocke " at Retz, 1889 ; — National Exhibition at Vienna, 1890 (4 var.); — Conv. of Hungarian Physicians at Lemberg, 1887 ; — Official commemorative medal of the Fourth General German Choral Society's Festival at Vienna, 1890 (2 var.); — Jubilee of the Wiernerwald Section of the O.T.C. Society, 1890; — Reward for 25 years' Service in the Fire Brigade of Ried, 1890; — The Liebenberg- Monument at Vienna, 1890; — Exhibition of Food Products at Bordeaux, 1890; — Silesian Industrial Exhibition at Bielitz, 1890; — Friedrich Flesch, numismatist; — School Prize Medals for Ried, Gmunden, Fünfkirchen, and Aschaffenburg ; — The Emperor and Empress of Austria, 1873 (2 var.);— Fourth Moravian Shooting Festival at Neutitschein, 1891; — Silver Wedding of the Emperor and Empress of Austria, 1879 (3 var.) ; — Visit of the Emperor Francis Joseph to Bohemia, 1891 (15 varieties) ; — Fiftieth Anniversary of the Emperor Francis Joseph, 1880; — Sixtieth Anniversary of the Emperor, 1890; — National Bohemian Exhibition at Prague, 1891; — The Danube-Club at Vienna, 1891; — Prize Award of the Agricultural Society of Tyrnau (Hungary), 1891; — Visit of the Emperor and Empress of Austria to Trieste, 1882; — Visit of the Crown Prince and Princess to Trieste, 1882; — Visit of the Emperor to Gratz, 1883; — Visit of the Emperor to Krain and Idria; — Visit of the Emperor to Klausenburg, 1887; — Visit of the Emperor to Brünn (Moravia), 1892 ; — Visit of the Crown Prince to Retz, 1888 ; — Visit of the Archduke Albrecht to Retz, 1888; — International Music and Theatrical Exhibition at Vienna, 1892 (7 var.); — Bulgarian Exhibition at Philippopel, 1892 ; — Inauguration of the Church of Arnoschtowitz (Bohemia), 1892; — Exhibition at Feldsberg, 1892; — Industrial Exhibition at Braunau, 1892 ; — Rebuilding of the Karl's Bridge at Prague, 1890; — National Exhibition at Dobrusche, 1892; — Dedication of the Benesh Monument at Trebitsh (Moravia); — Visit of the German Emperor to Vienna, 1892; — Visit of the Austrian Emperor to the Liebig Factories at Reichenberg; — His Majesty's Visit to Brünn, 1892; — Agricultural Prize of Kaaden (Bohemia); — Innsbruck religious medalets, with bust of the Virgin ; — Johannisbad-Schwarzenberg, Fire Brigade Festival, 5th June 1898 ; — Fürstin Metternich-Sandor, Charity Bazaar, May 1898 ; — Cardinal C. J. Ganglbauer, Archbishop of Vienna (2 var.); — First centenary of the German Evangelical Church of St. Michael at Prague ; — 25th Anniversary of the Veteran Society at Vienna, 1891; — Pope Leo XIII., 1893 ; — The Gundulie Monument of Ragusa, 1893 ; — Marriage of Ferdinand I. of Bulgaria, 1893 ; — Fourth Centenary of Printing in Montenegro, 1893 ;— Agricultural Exhibition at Aussig, 1893 ; — The Carl Bouquey Monument; — Assassination of the Empress Elizabeth, 1898; — Numerous Prize Medals for Provincial Exhibitions, Agricultural Shows, Festivities, &c. ; — Field Marshal The Archduke Albrecht, 1895; — Jubilee Exhibition at Linz, 1895 ; — 25. Anniversary of the Choral Society " Einigkeit ", 1897 ; — Jubilee Talisman, 1898 ; — Millenary of the Town of Hamburg, 1892; — Francis Joseph I., 1898 (by Tautenhayn); — 25th Anniversary of the Society of Veterans, of Baden, 1898; — Coronation of Francis Joseph at Buda Pest, 1867 ; — Vienna World's Fair, 1873 ; — The Emperor Francis Joseph Monument at Maur near Vienna, 1898; — Agricultural Exhibition at Vienna, 1890; — International Theatrical Exhibition at Vienna, 1892; — Rifle Meeting at Innsbruck, 1893 ; — Andreas Hofer; — The Liberator Monument at Feldkirch (Vorarlberg), 1899; — Rifle Meeting at Kufstein, 1895; — Excursion of Orphan Children, 1891; — Reichenau festivities, 1890 ; — President Kruger, 1900; — Johannes Brahms, 1897 ; — Rifle Meeting at Vienna, 1901; — Health Exhibition at Vienna, 1902; — Various Prize Medals; — The Monument of Rozberic, &c. Many of the works of the foremost Austrian Medallists, Tautenhayn, Scharff, Breithut, Schwerdtner, Hugo Kaufmann, Hans Fischer, &c. were struck at Christelbauer's establishment. “Am 20. August 1897 starb zu Prachatitz im Mähren im 70. Lebensjahre der hervorragendste Repräsentant der Wiener-Präger, Josef Christelbauer, Gründer, langjähriger Inhaber und Leiter einer grossen Medaillenprägeanstalt in Wien. Seine persönliche Erscheinung wie seine vortrefflichen Charaktereigenschaften kennzeichneten ihn als einen richtigen Ueberkömmling jener guten alten Wienerzeit, deren Repräsentanten nur Wenige mehr zu finden sind und deren Typus bald nur mehr in der Tradition fortleben wird. Jeder, der Gelegenheit hatte, mit dem Dahingeschiedenen näher zu verkehren, wird das gerade, biedere Auftreten dieses Mannes, seine gesunden, auf vieljähriger, rastloser und erfolgreicher Arbeit fussenden Anschauungen über Zeit und Leute in fester Erinnerung halten. "Sein kunsttechnisches Wirken als Präger, dem er nachmals so schöne Erfolge verdankte, reicht in jene Epoche seines Lebens zurück, wo er als Werkmeister, in dem Etablissement des leider allzu genial, veranlagten Anton Pittner, Gründers und Besitzers der zu damaligen Zeit einzigen neben der kaiserlichen Münze bestanden Privat-Medaillenprägeanstalt, beschäftigt war. “Seine Intelligenz und Auffassungsgabe für Alles, was mit der Prägekunst in Verbindung stand, machten ihn bald zu einem höchst werthvollen Mitarbeiter bei der Verwirklichung jener dem regen Erfindungsgeiste Anton Pittner's in ungemessener Zahl stets aufs Neue entsprungenen Ideen. “Gewann hiedurch sein eigener Gesichtskreis auch grosse Erweiterung in technischer Beziehung, so würde es ihm doch bald klar, dass mit dem Streben, das kaum geschaffene Gute durch Besseres zu ersetzen, ein nachhaltiger bleibender ökonomischer Erfolg nicht zu erzielen ist, und als seine wohlgemeinten Rathschläge angesichts der weitausgreifenden Pläne seines Chefs erfolglos blieben, schüttelte er den Staub von den Füssen, und gründete seine eigene Prägeanstalt. Gar bald zählten die ersten Meister der österreichischen Medallirkunst zu seinen Kunden, der Ruf seines Etablissements wuchs von Jahr zu Jahr, und als er sich, müde der Arbeit hochgeachtet, von seinen Mitbürgern, zur Ruhe setzte, konnte er seine Prägeanstalt als erste und besteingerichtete in Wien, mit alien Erfordernissen der Neuzeit versehen, in die bewährte Hand seines Sohnes und Geschäftsnachfolgers übergeben. " Mit ihm ging ein Leben zu Grabe, das von den kleinsten Anfängen es zu hohen Stufe gebracht hatte; Arbeit, rastlose Arbeit war die Devise desselben. “ (Mittheilungen des Klubs der Münz- und Medaillen-Freunde, 1897.) Bibliography. — Mittheilungen des Clubs der Münz- und Medaillenfreunde in Wien, 1890- 1898.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
HUBER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH (Swiss). Medallist and Coin-engraver, born at Basle in 1766. He studied at Rome, and was a pupil of Johann Martin Bückle. Towards the end of the eighteenth century he was working at the mint of Basle, but in 1805 he entered into Eartnership with an art-dealer of his native city, from which time he apparently ceased to do medal-work. Huber's full signature I. F. HVBER appears on a Prize Medal of the City and Republic of Basle, 1792, given to representatives of Swiss States...
HUBER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH (Swiss). Medallist and Coin-engraver, born at Basle in 1766. He studied at Rome, and was a pupil of Johann Martin Bückle. Towards the end of the eighteenth century he was working at the mint of Basle, but in 1805 he entered into Eartnership with an art-dealer of his native city, from which time he apparently ceased to do medal-work. Huber's full signature I. F. HVBER appears on a Prize Medal of the City and Republic of Basle, 1792, given to representatives of Swiss States...
HUE, ERNEST (French). Contemporary Gem-engraver, born at Paris ; a pupil of A. Toussaint and Salmson Senr. He has exhibited the following gems at the Paris Salons: 1861. Cupid chained at the foot of a bust of Minerva by a female who scorns his anger, after Prud'hon's picture, onyx cameo; — 1875. Diane de Poitiers, after Jean Goujon, bust in sardonyx; — Prevost, of the Comédie-Française, cameo in onyx; — Universal Exhibition of 1878. Terpsi chore and Erato, after Prud'hon, sardonyx cameo ;— Galli...
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HUE, ERNEST (French). Contemporary Gem-engraver, born at Paris ; a pupil of A. Toussaint and Salmson Senr. He has exhibited the following gems at the Paris Salons: 1861. Cupid chained at the foot of a bust of Minerva by a female who scorns his anger, after Prud'hon's picture, onyx cameo; — 1875. Diane de Poitiers, after Jean Goujon, bust in sardonyx; — Prevost, of the Comédie-Française, cameo in onyx; — Universal Exhibition of 1878. Terpsi chore and Erato, after Prud'hon, sardonyx cameo ;— Galli...
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HUGUENIN FRÉRES (Suriss). One of the foremost Die-sinking establishments of Switzerland, founded at Le Locle (Canton Neuchâtel) in 1868, and occupying at the present time over one hundred workmen. Besides manufacturing watch-cases, in which branch Huguenin freres have earned a well-merited reputation, the firm has been also connected for the last twenty years with medal-work, and has developed into an eminently successful business concern, thanks to the sound professional knowledge of the partne...
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HUGUENIN FRÉRES (Suriss). One of the foremost Die-sinking establishments of Switzerland, founded at Le Locle (Canton Neuchâtel) in 1868, and occupying at the present time over one hundred workmen. Besides manufacturing watch-cases, in which branch Huguenin freres have earned a well-merited reputation, the firm has been also connected for the last twenty years with medal-work, and has developed into an eminently successful business concern, thanks to the sound professional knowledge of the partne...
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HUJER, LUDWIG (Austr.). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Wilhelmshöhe (North Bohemia) on the 20. July 1872. He visited the Industrial Schools of Gablonz where he learned the first elements of modelling and chasing. After two years' practical appren- ticeship at Vienna, he entered in 1891 the studio of the sculptor Prof. Kühne, and in 1893 became a pupil of the medallist Prof. Stefan Schwartz. Between 1895 and 1898, when he definitively settled at Vienna, the young artist visited Belg...
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HUJER, LUDWIG (Austr.). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Wilhelmshöhe (North Bohemia) on the 20. July 1872. He visited the Industrial Schools of Gablonz where he learned the first elements of modelling and chasing. After two years' practical appren- ticeship at Vienna, he entered in 1891 the studio of the sculptor Prof. Kühne, and in 1893 became a pupil of the medallist Prof. Stefan Schwartz. Between 1895 and 1898, when he definitively settled at Vienna, the young artist visited Belg...
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