DEGEORGE, CHARLES JEAN MARIE (French). Sculptor, and Medallist, born at Lyons, on the 31st of March 1837, died at Paris, in the early part of November, 1888. He was a pupil of Duret, Flandrin, Jouffroy, and Chabot. In 1866, he obtained the Grand Prix de Rome for a medal representing France protecting Algeria. Since that date, he exhibited at nearly every Salon. Beside a number of busts and other works of sculpture, the artist produced a series of medals which rank among the best of modern Masters. Such are : 1864. Portrait-medallion of M. Léraud; — Portrait of a Lady ; — 1866. Portrait of Baron T. de B***; — 1868. Head of Lysimachus ; — 1876. Medal of the Chamber of Commerce of Bordeaux ; — 1877. France enlightens and instructs her Children; — 1878. The Paris Universal Exhibition; — Commemorative Medal of the Building of the Church of St. Pierre at Montrouge ; — 1881. Henri Regnault, painter ; — Medal of the Société des Amis des Arts of Lyons ; — Award Medal for Horse Training Competitions; — Medal struck in memory of the pupils of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts who lost their lives during the Franco-German War, 1870-1871 ; — Aerial Communications during the War (illustrated); — Reward Medal for Services in connection with Lighthouses and Buoys ; — Prize Medal for Music, 1885 ; — La Trompette, &c. Several of these may be seen at the Luxembourg Museum at Paris, and some are illustrated in M. Roger Marx's publications. His principal works of sculpture are : Bust of Bernardino Cenci (Luxembourg) ; — Young Florentine ; — Young Venetian of the fifteenth century ; — Aristoteles, young (Luxemb.); — Bronze bust of Henri Regnault; — Statue of Hippolyte Flandrin ; — Philibert Delorme ; — Couston ; — Gerard Audran, &c. He also executed the facade of the Court of the Bibliothéque Nationale. A bust of Degeorge by St.-Marceaux adorns his monument in Pére-Lachaise cemetery. M. Marx in an article which appeared in the " Studio " for October 1898, writes : "The work of the medallist was in due course endowed with feeling and grace and emotion by Chapu and Degeorge, the latter a dreamy meditative poet, who came to a premature end in 1888 ". "Degeorge ", writes M. G. Lecomte in " La Renaissance de la Médaille " (Revue de Paris, mai 1899), "fut un sculpteur trés doué qui fit de la gravure en médailles, et mourut non pas avant d'avoir donné sa mesure, car il la donna du premier coup, mais avant d'avoir réalisé tous les espoirs que, Iégitimement, on mettait en lui. Degeorge était un artiste passionné et fort. II apporta dans la glyptique toutes les qualités qu'en d'autres travaux il avait déjá montrées. Le modelé de ses médailles est large, puissant, résolu. En m?me temps Degeorge avait le sentiment trés net des conditions particuliéres á son nouvel art. Ses médailles sont arrangées avec go?t, et, tout en étant d'une énergie expressive, restent simples. Sa médaille pour l'église de Saint-Pierre de Montrouge est trés belle par l'équilibre, la multiplicité si simple, si juste des plans, l'entente architecturale, la répartition des lumiéres. La médaille frappée á la mémoire des éléves de l'École des Beaux-Arts, celle en souvenir de l'inauguration d'un phare, sont d'une émotion recueillie, d'une saisissante poésie, d'une sobré éloquence ". In Art (1885, p. 69 ), M. Maurice Albert gives the following appreciation of the artist : "Si M. Degeorge a peu produit, la qualité du moins remplace la quantité ; et bien peu, parmi nos graveurs, honorent autant que lui l'art francais. Statuaire ou médailleur, M. Degeorge est á la fois un exécutant consciencieux et un poéte délicat. Ses compositions sont toujours claires, simples, pleines de sentiment, et d'un dessin serré qui annonce de longues études, de fructueuses séances devant les chefs-d'oeuvre des ma tres. Jusqu'a lui, les graveurs ne s'étaient guére mis en frais d'imagination pour les revers de leurs médailles; la face seule les préoccupait, les intéressait. lis s'en remettaient, pour le reste, á l'inspiration du dernier moment. M. Degeorge, á l'exemple des anciens qui décoraient leurs revers de motifs toujours si curieux, jugea qu'une médaille était un tout, et qu'aucun travail ne devait paraître ingrat ou superflu á celui qui la composait. Aussi chercherait-on vainement dans l'oeuvre de M. Degeorge une faiblesse, une défaillance quelconque. L'artiste ne s'arr?te qu'aprés s'?tre convaincu qu'on ne peut aller plus loin. Nec plus ultra semble sa devise. Toujours á la recherche du mieux, il tourne et retourne ses médailles avec la m?me patience que ses statues et ses reliefs, que ce fronton, par exemple, qu'il vient de terminer pour la Bibliothéque nationale. N'a-t-il pas derniérement recommencé á ses frais, avec un désintéressement rare, une médaille terminée, et sur laquelle de nombreuses épreuves avaient été déjá frappées, parce qu'une idée meilleure lui était tout d'un coup venue. “Cest á cette conscience, á cette honnéteté artistique, unie á un talent hors Iigne, que certaines oeuvres de M. Degeorge doivent de pouvoir rivahser avec quelques-unes des merveilles numismatiques de la Renaissance. La médaille de l'Église de Montrouge est du nombre. Avec quel extraordinaire talent de facture l'artiste a su reproduire l'intérieur du monument, d'un effet si naturel et si charmant! Et ces deux petits génies, aux formes si vraies, aux mouvements si souples, qui tiennent le plan de la nouvelle église, ne descendent-ils pas en ligne directe de certains génies de Raphaël? Ce sont les m?mes qualités de composition et de coloration, le m?me dessin serré, bien enveloppé plein de saillie malgré peu de relief, qu'on remarque dans les deux médailles gravées pour la ville de Lyon, et dans quelques autres encore ". Bibliography. — Chavignerie et Auvrav, op. cit. — R. Marx, Les Médailleurs francais depuis 1789, Paris, 1897. — R. Marx, op. cit. — L. Bénédite, Catalogue du Musée du Luxembourg, 1896. — Grande Encyclopédie.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
DAEDALOS (Greek). Vide ?A suprâ. Sculptor, of Sicyon, the son and disciple of Patrocles, and mentioned by Pliny among the artists of the 95th Olympiad. Daedalos erected a trophy for the Eleians in the Altis after a victory over the Lacedaemonians in the war which lasted B.C. 401-399. Besides this trophy, he made several statues of athletes and some other works (Smith's Diet, of Greek and Roman Biog.) " Professor Gardner ", says Dr B. V. Head, " has even ventured to suggest that Daedalos may actu...
[ More about DAEDALOS ]
DAEDALOS (Greek). Vide ?A suprâ. Sculptor, of Sicyon, the son and disciple of Patrocles, and mentioned by Pliny among the artists of the 95th Olympiad. Daedalos erected a trophy for the Eleians in the Altis after a victory over the Lacedaemonians in the war which lasted B.C. 401-399. Besides this trophy, he made several statues of athletes and some other works (Smith's Diet, of Greek and Roman Biog.) " Professor Gardner ", says Dr B. V. Head, " has even ventured to suggest that Daedalos may actu...
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DAISER, JOSEPH (Germ.). Sculptor of the second half of the eighteenth century and beginning of the nineteenth, born in 1755. He was employed for some years as Engraver of the coins at the Mints of Günzburg 1801-1807, and Munich, 1807- 1827. A medal, struck in 1810, and bearing a fine portrait of King Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria, is signed by him. There are also others : L. B. Lytgendorff, aeronaut; — Pilgrim's Badges; &c. Bibliography. — Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Schlickeysen-Pallmann, op. cit. — ...
[ More about DAISER, JOSEPH ]
DAISER, JOSEPH (Germ.). Sculptor of the second half of the eighteenth century and beginning of the nineteenth, born in 1755. He was employed for some years as Engraver of the coins at the Mints of Günzburg 1801-1807, and Munich, 1807- 1827. A medal, struck in 1810, and bearing a fine portrait of King Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria, is signed by him. There are also others : L. B. Lytgendorff, aeronaut; — Pilgrim's Badges; &c. Bibliography. — Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Schlickeysen-Pallmann, op. cit. — ...
[ More about DAISER, JOSEPH ]
DALLINGER, ANTON PAUL (Germ.). A Nuremberg Medallist, Seal and Gem-engraver, born in 1772. As a Medallist, the period of his activity is placed between 1800 and 1826. We possess medallic portraits of Albrecht Dürer; — Barthol. Beheim ; — Kessler; — Merkel, Jubilee Medals for D. Baier and Dr Bauer ; — New Century Medal, 1800 ; — Accession of Prince Elector William of Hesse, &c, by him. He was a pupil of J. P. Werner, but surpassed his master in so far as the quality of his work is concerned. His ...
DALLINGER, ANTON PAUL (Germ.). A Nuremberg Medallist, Seal and Gem-engraver, born in 1772. As a Medallist, the period of his activity is placed between 1800 and 1826. We possess medallic portraits of Albrecht Dürer; — Barthol. Beheim ; — Kessler; — Merkel, Jubilee Medals for D. Baier and Dr Bauer ; — New Century Medal, 1800 ; — Accession of Prince Elector William of Hesse, &c, by him. He was a pupil of J. P. Werner, but surpassed his master in so far as the quality of his work is concerned. His ...
DAMON, ALFRED EUGÉNE (French). Sculptor and Medallist, born at Paris; pupil of Levillain, At the Salon of 1902 he exhibited several Portrait-medallions in bronze, and Plaquettes; and in 1903 the following Portrait-plaquettes : Mme A. Terrien ; — E. Dienst ; — G. Mouchon; — Mlle G. Beissier; — F. Leglaive, &c. Amongst his earlier works are : 1892. Portrait-medallions in ivory of E. Damon, and H. Long; others in silver and bronze : Antoine Damon; — Mme A. Damon; — 1893. Mme Leglaive; — M. Leglaiv...
DAMON, ALFRED EUGÉNE (French). Sculptor and Medallist, born at Paris; pupil of Levillain, At the Salon of 1902 he exhibited several Portrait-medallions in bronze, and Plaquettes; and in 1903 the following Portrait-plaquettes : Mme A. Terrien ; — E. Dienst ; — G. Mouchon; — Mlle G. Beissier; — F. Leglaive, &c. Amongst his earlier works are : 1892. Portrait-medallions in ivory of E. Damon, and H. Long; others in silver and bronze : Antoine Damon; — Mme A. Damon; — 1893. Mme Leglaive; — M. Leglaiv...