DEPAULIS, ALEXIS JOSEPH (French) 1790-1867. Medallist, born at Paris ; pupil of Andrieu and Cartellier ; entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts on the 24th of August, 1813 ; obtained a second-class medal in 1827, and a first class in 1833 ; decorated with the Legion of Honour in 1834. Amongst the numerous medals exhibited by him at the Salon from 1819 to the year of his death, I may note the following : Louis XVIII. ; — Martin Luther, after Holbein ; — Suger; — Ambroise Paré; — Jacques Amyot, 1819; — Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon, 1819 ; — Pierre Corneille, Fontenelle and Poussin ; — Jean Fernel, 1822 ; — Antoine Arnault, 1817 ; — Birth of the Duke of Bordeaux (several types) ; — Inauguration of the Bridge of Livorno ; — The Monument of Joan of Arc at Domrémy; — Discovery of the Venus of Milo; — The Statue of Louis XV. at Reims ; — The Bourbon Column at Boulogne ; — Cadmus fighting with the serpent of the fountain of Circe ; — Ancient Greek and Egyptian Monuments ; — The Great Condé ; — Constable Anne de Montmorency ; — Bust of Louis XVIII. ; — Allegory to the Glory of the French Arms (illustrated in Roger Marx, Méd. cont. en France et á l'Étranger, PI. VI, 5) ; — Christian Marriage; — Municipal Vaccination at Paris; — Vaccination Medal, Louis XVIII. ; — Vaccination Medal, Charles X.; — Dr. Bernard de Jussieu, 1823; — Jean Lerond d'Alembert, 1824; — J. B. Colbert, 1826; — Accession of Charles X.; — Coronation of the King ; — Inauguration of the Palais de Justice at Orleans; — The Barriers of Pantin and Rochechouart ; — The Advocates of the King's Privy Council; — The Royal Printing House; — Colbert ; — Kléber ; — Quatremére de Quincy ; — Bust of Charles X. ; — The Greek and Egyptian Royal Museum ; — F.J. Gosselin, 1829; — Accession of Louis-Philippe ; — Baron Lauguiére ; — Inauguration of the Monument to Pierre Corneille, after the statue by David d'Angers ; — Foundation of the Versailles Museum ; — The Museum of Greek Antiquities ; — Exhibitions of 1834 and 1838; — Completion of the Paris Monuments; — Louis-Philippe ; — Baron Silvestre de Sacy, 1838 ; — The Massin Institute ; — Arrival at Rouen of the Ashes of Napoleon I. ; — Journey of Prince Louis-Napoleon to the Southern Departments of France, 1852; — P. Bayard du Terrail, 1822; — Bourgelat, founder of Veterinary Schools ; — Dom Bernard de Monfaucon ; — Land and Sea Commerce ; — Bombardment of the Fort of St. Jean d'Ulloa (In connection with this medal, F. Mercey, in an article of the Revue des Deux Mondes, 1852, "La Gravure en Médailles en France ", makes the following comment, which seems worth noticing : " Cette médaille est de grand module, 72 millimétres. Cette dimension extr?me, et qu'á notre avis l'art ne doit pas dépasser, est justifiée cette fois par la nature du sujet et par le systéme d'interprétation qu'avait adopté I'habile graveur. Comme M. Ingres en avait donné l'exemple dans sa composition de Napoléon passant le Rhin, Depaulis a combiné hardiment l'allégorie et la réalité. Sur le premier plan, nous voyons une frégate francaise toute gréée, qui a mis en panne et qui s'appr?te á foudroyer le château et la ville de Saint-Jean-d'Ulloa, figurés sur le second plan avec une exactitude qui n'enléve rien au pittoresque. A l'horizon, on apercoit les sommités anguleuses de la montagne qui domine la ville. Cette belle marine, exécutée sans maigreur et néanmoins avec une rare précision, car on peut compter les cordages et les embrasures du navire, est surmontée par une Victoire ailée, armée de la foudre, et portant le drapeau de la France. Le jet de cette figure est d'une grande énergie. On sent que rien ne peut lui résister, et qu'elle doit planter son étendard lá oú elle s'arr?tera. Au-dessus de la figure est inscrite la légende suivante : JUS GENTIUM ARMIS GALLICIS VINDICATUM. La t?te du roi Louis-Philippe, graved á la face, est d'un excellent travail. Cette médaille, commandée en 1837, n'a été achevée et frappée qu'en 1844, M. Depaulis, un de nos meilleurs graveurs, n'a qu'un seul défaut, c'est de se faire un peu attendre. C'est un de ces artistes auxquels Boileau n'e?t pas eu besoin de recommander de se hâter lentement. "). By Depaulis are also the medals commemorating the Battle of Isly, and the Funeral Ceremony of the 6th of July, 1848. He contributed to Mudie's Series of National Medals. R. N° 1. George III., 1817 ; — R. N° 32. Return of Napoleon, 1815 ; — Obv. N° 33. The British Army in the Netherlands, 1815; — R. N° 34. Charge of the British at Waterloo, 1815 (illustrated); — R. N° 40. The Ionian Islands, Constitution given by England ; — English Attack on Antwerp, 1809 (probably executed in 1830) ; — Taking of Sebastopol, 1855. There also two or three medals by this artist in the Napoleonic series; such as : The Conquest of Illyria, 1809 ; — Chamber of Commerce of Carcassone; — The French Academy at Rome ; — Orphanage of the Legion of Honour. Marvin mentions a masonic medal by Depaulis of the Scottish Lodge of the Scotch Olive (CXXV), and De Saulcy several medallic mementoes of the 1848 Revolution : Municipal Council of Amiens; Reward for the citizens of Dieppe and Rouen who came to Paris to assist in restoring order ; — Municipal Council of Paris ; — Prize medal for the Concours des chants patriotiques. The following medals are also by Depaulis : T. E. Mionnet, numismatist, 1829 ; — Martin Luther, 1821 ; — C. Dufresne Du Cange, 1849 ; — Erection of a statue to Pierre Corneille at Rouen, 1834; — Accession of Louis-Philippe, 1830; — The Boulogne Column, 1821; — Homage of the Courts of State to Charles X., 1824 (engraved in connection with Gayrard); — The Church of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul; — St.-Michael's Hospital at Paris, 1826; — Monument to the memory of Louis XVI., 1826 (2 var.); &c. Bolzenthal, who was writing circa 1840 says of the artist : "Depaulis dürfte unter den lebenden Meistern in Frankreich als einer der fähigsten zu achten sein. " Bibliography. — Bolzenthal, op. cit.— R. Marx, Les Médailleurs francais depuis 1789, Paris, 1897. — F. Parkes Weber, op. cit. — Edwards, op. cit. — Mudie's National Medals. —Diclionnaire Larousse. — Grande Encyclopédie. — Numismatic Chronicle. — Marvin, Masonic Medals. — De Saulcy, Souvenirs numismatiques de la Révolution de 1848. — Chavignerie et Auvray, op. cit.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
DANTAN, JEAN PIERRE (French) 1800-1869. Sculptor; pupil of Bosio. To him we owe some fine Portrait-medallions, such as those of Dr Marchesseaux ; — Auber ; — Meyerbeer ; — Verdi ; — Cherubini ; — Marquis and Marchioness of Turgot, &c. He is the author of a statue of Queen Victoria, in bronzed zinc, which was exhibited at the Crystal Palace, in 1851, and he also executed a commemorative medal of the Visit of the French National Guards to London, 1848, illustrated in Roger Marx, Médailleurs contem...
[ More about DANTAN, JEAN PIERRE ]
DANTAN, JEAN PIERRE (French) 1800-1869. Sculptor; pupil of Bosio. To him we owe some fine Portrait-medallions, such as those of Dr Marchesseaux ; — Auber ; — Meyerbeer ; — Verdi ; — Cherubini ; — Marquis and Marchioness of Turgot, &c. He is the author of a statue of Queen Victoria, in bronzed zinc, which was exhibited at the Crystal Palace, in 1851, and he also executed a commemorative medal of the Visit of the French National Guards to London, 1848, illustrated in Roger Marx, Médailleurs contem...
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DANTZELL, JOSEPH (French). Medallist, born at Lyons in 1805, died in Paris in 1877. One of his first works was the medal commissioned by the city of Lyons in 1826 on the Rising of the Hellenes. He executed a number of Portrait-medallions and commemorative Medals, amongst which the best known are : Comte de Montalembert, 1846; — Blaise Pascal, 1848; — Medal of the Society of the Friends of Arts at Lyons, 1851 ; — Jeton of the Academical Society of Architecture of Lyons, 1843 ; — Commemorative med...
[ More about DANTZELL, JOSEPH ]
DANTZELL, JOSEPH (French). Medallist, born at Lyons in 1805, died in Paris in 1877. One of his first works was the medal commissioned by the city of Lyons in 1826 on the Rising of the Hellenes. He executed a number of Portrait-medallions and commemorative Medals, amongst which the best known are : Comte de Montalembert, 1846; — Blaise Pascal, 1848; — Medal of the Society of the Friends of Arts at Lyons, 1851 ; — Jeton of the Academical Society of Architecture of Lyons, 1843 ; — Commemorative med...
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DARDANI or TARDANI (Ital.). Contemporary Modeller and Diesinker, residing at Rome. He has produced a number of very clever imitations of Greek, Roman and Mediaeval Coins. By him are probably the following : Greek. AR. Tetradrachm of Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, obv. Head of Zeus R Dione enthroned; — AR. Tetradr. of Aenus, obv. Facing head of Hermes R Goat ; &c. ; also a " Kimon " Medallion of Syracuse (from a Brit. Mus. electrotype), &c. Roman. Otho R. SECVRIT . ORBIS Securitas ; — Vitellius R LIBE...
[ More about DARDANI ]
DARDANI or TARDANI (Ital.). Contemporary Modeller and Diesinker, residing at Rome. He has produced a number of very clever imitations of Greek, Roman and Mediaeval Coins. By him are probably the following : Greek. AR. Tetradrachm of Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, obv. Head of Zeus R Dione enthroned; — AR. Tetradr. of Aenus, obv. Facing head of Hermes R Goat ; &c. ; also a " Kimon " Medallion of Syracuse (from a Brit. Mus. electrotype), &c. Roman. Otho R. SECVRIT . ORBIS Securitas ; — Vitellius R LIBE...
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DARGENT (Belg.). Die-sinker of Brussels; produced in 1847 some pattern 5 Franc pieces of Leopold I., with bust on Obv. and signature, and crowned shield of arms on R., date, and indication of value. He was still working in 1857. There is a Prize medal for Musical composition, engraved by him, in 1840, and various Belgian commemorative medals. Bibuography. — P. Cuypers, Notice sur les Monnaies belges frappées depuis 1832 jusqu'a 1850, Revue de la Numismatique belge, 1850. — Ch. Piot, Catalogue du...
[ More about DARGENT ]
DARGENT (Belg.). Die-sinker of Brussels; produced in 1847 some pattern 5 Franc pieces of Leopold I., with bust on Obv. and signature, and crowned shield of arms on R., date, and indication of value. He was still working in 1857. There is a Prize medal for Musical composition, engraved by him, in 1840, and various Belgian commemorative medals. Bibuography. — P. Cuypers, Notice sur les Monnaies belges frappées depuis 1832 jusqu'a 1850, Revue de la Numismatique belge, 1850. — Ch. Piot, Catalogue du...
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