DESBOEUFS, ANTOINE (French). Sculptor, Medallist, and Gemengraver (1793-1862). Pupil of Cartelier and Jeuffroy. His productions in sculpture and medals are very numerous. The latter illustrate the history of Louis XVIII., Charles X., Louis-Philippe, and Napoleon III. He also largely contributed to the Medallic Gallery of Celebrated Frenchmen. In 1814 he was rewarded with the First Prize for gem-engraving, and he obtained, a little later, the title of Gem-engraver to the Duke of Angoul?me. In 1851 he was decorated with the Legion of Honour. The following are his best known medallic works, which were nearly all executed before 1830, after which date the artist seems to have given himself up almost entirely to sculpture : Napoleon I.; — The City of Paris welcomes Louis XVIII., 1814 ; — Monument to De Séze (illustrated in Marx, Méd. cont. en France et á l' Étranger, PI. VI, 16); — J. Carron; — Pierre Fermat, 1822; — Turgot, 1821 ; — Warrior seizing arms on the Altar of Patria ; — Henri de la Rochejacquelin ; — L. de la Rochejacquelin, 1824; — Baptism of the Duke of Bordeaux, 1821 ; — Mme L. S***, &c. There is a fine cameo by him with portrait of Louis XVIII. , and others of less importance, being portraits of political and private persons of the First Empire and Restoration periods. Desboeufs is better known as a sculptor ; his principal works are : Cariatis, 1827; — Rest, 1834; — Isabella II., 1835 ; — Psyche abandoned by Hymen, 1845; — Pandora, 1853; — Pleasure, 1861. Some busts by him of Charles of Orleans, Maria Theresa, Lesage, and St. Bernard are exhibited at Versailles ; others are to be seen at the Luxembourg Museum. The artist is represented by several medals in the English Series : William Shakespeare, 1818 (?); — Coronation of George IV., 1821; — Queen Caroline on her trial, 1820; — Lord Exmouth, 1816, created Viscount after his bombardment of Algiers. The two last are signed A. D., and as Dr Weber mentions, may perhaps be the work of Desboeufs. In 1848, Desboeufs competed for the engraving of the coinage of the Second Republic, and submitted patterns to the Mint for the 20, and 5 Francs (illustrated), and 10 Centimes, and Dewamin reproduces a Pattern Five Franc piece of Louis Philippe, 1831, by him. Under Napoleon III., the artist executed a medal with bust of the Emperor, and gems with the same portrait. Bibliography. — Franks and Grueber, op. cit. — Dr F. P. Weber, op. cit. — De Saulcy, Souvenirs numismatiques, &c. — Babelon, Pierres gravées. —. Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Chavignerie et Auvray, op. tit. — Grande Encyclopédie. — Grand Dictionnaire Larousse. — R. Marx, Les Médailleurs francais, Paris, 1897. — Dewamin, Cent ans de numismatique francaise de 1789 á 1889.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
DARGENT (Belg.). Die-sinker of Brussels; produced in 1847 some pattern 5 Franc pieces of Leopold I., with bust on Obv. and signature, and crowned shield of arms on R., date, and indication of value. He was still working in 1857. There is a Prize medal for Musical composition, engraved by him, in 1840, and various Belgian commemorative medals. Bibuography. — P. Cuypers, Notice sur les Monnaies belges frappées depuis 1832 jusqu'a 1850, Revue de la Numismatique belge, 1850. — Ch. Piot, Catalogue du...
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DARGENT (Belg.). Die-sinker of Brussels; produced in 1847 some pattern 5 Franc pieces of Leopold I., with bust on Obv. and signature, and crowned shield of arms on R., date, and indication of value. He was still working in 1857. There is a Prize medal for Musical composition, engraved by him, in 1840, and various Belgian commemorative medals. Bibuography. — P. Cuypers, Notice sur les Monnaies belges frappées depuis 1832 jusqu'a 1850, Revue de la Numismatique belge, 1850. — Ch. Piot, Catalogue du...
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DARMAND, JEAN, surnamed L'ORPHELIN (French). Engraver-general at the Paris Mint, 1630- 1646; died after 1658. He acquired this office from the creditors of N. Briot, and ceded it in 1646 to Jean Varin. Two years later, he was entrusted to engrave for Queen Christina of Sweden a coin of the size of an écu, with bust of the Sovereign on obv. and legend : CRISTINA . D . G . SUECOR . GOTTOR.VAND.REGINA, and on R. the arms of Sweden, accompanied by the inscription : DE MONETA NOVA ARGENTEA REG.SUEC. ...
[ More about DARMAND, JEAN ]
DARMAND, JEAN, surnamed L'ORPHELIN (French). Engraver-general at the Paris Mint, 1630- 1646; died after 1658. He acquired this office from the creditors of N. Briot, and ceded it in 1646 to Jean Varin. Two years later, he was entrusted to engrave for Queen Christina of Sweden a coin of the size of an écu, with bust of the Sovereign on obv. and legend : CRISTINA . D . G . SUECOR . GOTTOR.VAND.REGINA, and on R. the arms of Sweden, accompanied by the inscription : DE MONETA NOVA ARGENTEA REG.SUEC. ...
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DASSIER, JACQUES ANTOINE (Swiss) 1715-1759. Son of Jean Dassier, is also a leading figure in the history of medallic art in the eighteenth century. He was born at Geneva in 1715, and learned the art of die-sinking under the celebrated goldsmith Germain of Paris. He then visited Italy, and while at Rome, where he studied the works of his contemporaries, produced a fine Portrait-medal of Pope Clement XIII., and at Turin engraved the State Seals. In 1740, he came to London, and obtained in the foll...
DASSIER, JACQUES ANTOINE (Swiss) 1715-1759. Son of Jean Dassier, is also a leading figure in the history of medallic art in the eighteenth century. He was born at Geneva in 1715, and learned the art of die-sinking under the celebrated goldsmith Germain of Paris. He then visited Italy, and while at Rome, where he studied the works of his contemporaries, produced a fine Portrait-medal of Pope Clement XIII., and at Turin engraved the State Seals. In 1740, he came to London, and obtained in the foll...
DASSIER, JEAN (Swiss) 1676- 1763. This celebrated Medallist was born at Geneva in 1676, where at an early age he practised die-sinking under his father, Domaine Dassier, who was then Engraver of the coins at the Mint of Geneva. He continued his studies at Paris under Mauger and Roettiers, whose style he adopted for his own works. Having returned to Geneva, he was appointed Assistant-engraver at the Mint on the 23rd June, 1711, and on his father's death, in 1720, Chief-engraver to the Republic of...
[ More about DASSIER, JEAN ]
DASSIER, JEAN (Swiss) 1676- 1763. This celebrated Medallist was born at Geneva in 1676, where at an early age he practised die-sinking under his father, Domaine Dassier, who was then Engraver of the coins at the Mint of Geneva. He continued his studies at Paris under Mauger and Roettiers, whose style he adopted for his own works. Having returned to Geneva, he was appointed Assistant-engraver at the Mint on the 23rd June, 1711, and on his father's death, in 1720, Chief-engraver to the Republic of...
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