ERONDELLE, JEAN (French), 1552-1556. This artist was appoint- ed, in conjunction with Etienne Delaune, by letters patent of 25th of April 1552, Engraver at the Paris Mint. He began reforms in the coining process, and was the precursor of Briot and Warin in this domain. The following letter addressed to Henry II., King of Navarre and quoted by Blanchet, is of sufficient interest in this connection, to be reproduced here: " Au roi de Navarre, " Sire, suivant l'entreprinse du faict de vestre moullin qu'il vous pleut derni?rement me commander, tous les modelles sont deprésent achevez en boys excepte" ung engin pour la justification des rolleaux que le roy a recouvert d'Allemaigne, depuis ung peu, lequel j'ay trouvé moyen de voir secrettement et auquel je besogne pour le moment, qui est la chose la plus nécessaire de toute l'entreprinse, et par lequel l'on pourra employer ? faire besongner touttes petsonnes les premi?res trouvées, qui sera ung grand sollaigement et une grande advance. Suyvant les ouvriers que je vous avoys promis mener de deça, je n'en ay encores voullu parler, tant que mes modelles seront achevez, de peur que ce que j'ay toujours faict secrettement feust descouvert mais incontinent que mes dits modelles seront achevez, qui sera au plus tard dedans huict jours et qu'ils seront en chemin, lors je parlerai ausdits ouvriers pour sçavoir leur voulunté, et l?, o? je n"e les pourré mener, je me ayderé des vostres. Sire, il vous plaira me avoir pour excusé, si je n'ay sceu me trouver au temps que je vous avoys promis, car l'envye que j'avoys de recouvrer l'engin que je vous mande a esté cause de mon tardeme" nt. Sire, je priré Dieu vous donner en bonne santé tr?s longue et tr?s" heureuse vye. " A Paris, le XXIX™ Apvril 1554. Vostre tr?s humble et tr?s obéissant serviteur. "Jehan Erondelle". On the 17th of August 1556, Erondelle is mentioned as "Mintmaster of Pau"; it is evident that the King of Navarre, in reward for the engraver's services, took him in his employ. It is possible that the coins issued at Pau, about that time, and others struck previously at Paris, were engraved by Erondelle. Under Jeanne d'Albret, the mill of Pau turned out beautiful coins, no doubt with the machinery introduced by this clever artist and engineer. Guiffrey has published a document, dated, 3rd October 1541 , from Dijon, and signed by Marguerite of France, Queen of Navarre, where a certain Guillaume Erondelle, is mentioned as Goldsmith to that princess. Bibliography. — J. -A. Blanchet, Les Graveurs en Béarn, Dax, 1888.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
DURUSSEL, ÉDOUARD (Swiss). Medallist, born at Morges on the 16th February, 1842, died at Préfargier on the 17th May, 1888. When quite young he exhibited uncommon aptitude for drawing, and at of the age of 14 he was placed in apprenticeship by his parents with an engraver at Zella, near Gotha , where he spent four years. He then visited Berlin, worked there at the Royal Mint for three years, and, on the recommendation of Antoine Bovy, was afterwards engaged in the works of M. Paulin-Tasset at Par...
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DURUSSEL, ÉDOUARD (Swiss). Medallist, born at Morges on the 16th February, 1842, died at Préfargier on the 17th May, 1888. When quite young he exhibited uncommon aptitude for drawing, and at of the age of 14 he was placed in apprenticeship by his parents with an engraver at Zella, near Gotha , where he spent four years. He then visited Berlin, worked there at the Royal Mint for three years, and, on the recommendation of Antoine Bovy, was afterwards engaged in the works of M. Paulin-Tasset at Par...
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DUVIVIER, JEAN (French). Medallist of the first half of the eighteenth century, born at Liége, on the 7th of February 1687, died in Paris, on the 30th of April 1761. He learned the first elements of engraving with his father, and at the age of eighteen gave himself up to the study of painting. There is a portrait in existence he made of himself four years later, and good engravings after well known pictures of the same period. In 1710, the young artist went to Paris, where he soon began to draw ...
[ More about DUVIVIER, JEAN ]
DUVIVIER, JEAN (French). Medallist of the first half of the eighteenth century, born at Liége, on the 7th of February 1687, died in Paris, on the 30th of April 1761. He learned the first elements of engraving with his father, and at the age of eighteen gave himself up to the study of painting. There is a portrait in existence he made of himself four years later, and good engravings after well known pictures of the same period. In 1710, the young artist went to Paris, where he soon began to draw ...
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DUVIVIER, PIERRE SIMON BENJAMIN (French). Medallist, born in 1728, son of Jean Duvivier, died at the age of 91, on the 11th of July 1819. It seems that his father, fearing to be surpassed, did not wish to teach him the medallic art, although he had an avowed taste for it. One night he was caught copying a medal ; the young artist was driven from home. Tardieu, an artist and his brother-in law, took him under his protection, and helped him in his studies. On the death of Jean Duvivier, 30th of A...
DUVIVIER, PIERRE SIMON BENJAMIN (French). Medallist, born in 1728, son of Jean Duvivier, died at the age of 91, on the 11th of July 1819. It seems that his father, fearing to be surpassed, did not wish to teach him the medallic art, although he had an avowed taste for it. One night he was caught copying a medal ; the young artist was driven from home. Tardieu, an artist and his brother-in law, took him under his protection, and helped him in his studies. On the death of Jean Duvivier, 30th of A...
DYCE, WILLIAM, R. A. (Brit.), 1806-1864. A celebrated Painter, born at Aberdeen ; studied at Rome, settled at Edinburgh in 1830, and in London, in 1835. He became an Associate of the Royal Academy in 1848. His best works are : Golden Age; — Infant Hercules ; — Christ crowned with thorns ; — Christ dead ; — The Descent of Venus ; — Madonna and Child ; — Consecration of Archbishop Parker (fresco) ; — Baptism of King Ethelbert (in the House of Lords), &c. Dyce designed the Florin (illustrated) of Q...
[ More about DYCE, WILLIAM, R. A. ]
DYCE, WILLIAM, R. A. (Brit.), 1806-1864. A celebrated Painter, born at Aberdeen ; studied at Rome, settled at Edinburgh in 1830, and in London, in 1835. He became an Associate of the Royal Academy in 1848. His best works are : Golden Age; — Infant Hercules ; — Christ crowned with thorns ; — Christ dead ; — The Descent of Venus ; — Madonna and Child ; — Consecration of Archbishop Parker (fresco) ; — Baptism of King Ethelbert (in the House of Lords), &c. Dyce designed the Florin (illustrated) of Q...
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