GOLTZIUS, HEINRICH (Dutch). Painter and Line-engraver, born at Mulbrecht in 1558, died at Haarlem in 1617, where he had settled, after spending some years in Germany and Italy. His father taught him drawing, and Coornhaert, engraving. Goltzius executed an engraved Portrait-plaque of the Earl of Leicester, Governor-General of the Low-Countries, 1586. Mr Grueber, describing this medal, remarks : " Goltzius' works with the graver are remarkable for their freedom of shading, and at the same time for their sharpness of outline. As copper-plate engraver, Goltzius marks the highest point of the art. To him we owe no less than 330 plates, many of which are master-pieces, especially the celebrated set of six in the Munich Collection. His portrait of Coornhaert, and others in the same style, give him" a place amongst medallists. Mit dem Tode dieses Meisters " says Prof. Wehnert (Hendrik Goltzius, Antiquitäten Zeitung, Nr. 24, p. 185, 1901) " ging ein Mann dahin, der eine ganze Reihe Künstler als leuchtendes Vorbild gedient hat. Seine Verdienste, die er sich in seinem arbeitsreichen Leben erworben hat, werden allseits anerkannt. Seine Blätter regen den Eifer jedes Sammlers an und sind fur den Handler ein kostbarer Handelsartikel ". Bibliography. — Franks and Grueber, Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain, London, 1885, II, p. 726. — Singer, Allgemtines Künstler-Lexicon, Frankfurt-a-M, 1896.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
GEORGI, NIKOLAUS or NILS (Swede). Medallist, born at Stock- holm on the 16th of August 1717, where he died on the 6th of April 1790. He was a pupil of the celebrated Hedlinger, under whom he worked for the Royal Mint at Stockolm. Between 1744 and 1746 he executed various medals for the Court of Russia; in 1747 he settled at Berlin, where he was appointed Königl. Hofmedailleur, and resided there until 1782, in which year he returned to Sweden. His series of medals commemorating remarkable events ...
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GEORGI, NIKOLAUS or NILS (Swede). Medallist, born at Stock- holm on the 16th of August 1717, where he died on the 6th of April 1790. He was a pupil of the celebrated Hedlinger, under whom he worked for the Royal Mint at Stockolm. Between 1744 and 1746 he executed various medals for the Court of Russia; in 1747 he settled at Berlin, where he was appointed Königl. Hofmedailleur, and resided there until 1782, in which year he returned to Sweden. His series of medals commemorating remarkable events ...
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GERARD, CHARLES LOUIS (French). Medallist and Gem-engraver of modern times. By him are the following works, which were exhibited at the annual Paris Salons : 1874. Hagar sent away by Abraham, after Van Dyck, carnelian cameo; — 1875. Perseus, after Benvenuto Cellini, cameo on sardonyx; — The favourite Sheep, after Boucher, cameo on carnelian; — 1876. The Lion of Florence, onyx cameo; — Jupiter, cameo on pietra dura; — 1877. Christ, cameo on agate; — 1878. Henry II. of France, cameo on carne- lian...
GERARD, CHARLES LOUIS (French). Medallist and Gem-engraver of modern times. By him are the following works, which were exhibited at the annual Paris Salons : 1874. Hagar sent away by Abraham, after Van Dyck, carnelian cameo; — 1875. Perseus, after Benvenuto Cellini, cameo on sardonyx; — The favourite Sheep, after Boucher, cameo on carnelian; — 1876. The Lion of Florence, onyx cameo; — Jupiter, cameo on pietra dura; — 1877. Christ, cameo on agate; — 1878. Henry II. of France, cameo on carne- lian...
GERBIER, LOUIS ADOLPHE (French). Contemporary Medallist and Gem-engraver, born at Paris, pupil of M. Le Saché. The following works by him are mentioned in Chavignerie et Auvray's Dictionary: 1873. Portrait of M. E. de la Bédoli?re, cameo and silver medal; — Portrait of M. J. M**, cameo and silver medal; — 1874. Por- trait of Mme Adelina Patti, cameo, and silver medal; — 1876. Exhibition of Porto Rico, bronze medal; — "Le Conservateur " Assurance Company, bronze medal (in the Boston Collection); ...
GERBIER, LOUIS ADOLPHE (French). Contemporary Medallist and Gem-engraver, born at Paris, pupil of M. Le Saché. The following works by him are mentioned in Chavignerie et Auvray's Dictionary: 1873. Portrait of M. E. de la Bédoli?re, cameo and silver medal; — Portrait of M. J. M**, cameo and silver medal; — 1874. Por- trait of Mme Adelina Patti, cameo, and silver medal; — 1876. Exhibition of Porto Rico, bronze medal; — "Le Conservateur " Assurance Company, bronze medal (in the Boston Collection); ...
GERMAIN, PIERRE (French). Goldsmith and Medal-engraver of the second halfaf the seventeenth century. He was born at Paris in 1645 and died thereon the 24th of September, 1684. The Paris Mint records show that an engraver of the name of Germain executed in 1678 and 1679 dies for the " Medallic History of Louis XIV ", and that he received, in two payments, the sum of 853 livres 2 sols. Whether this Germain, whose christian name is not given, is the same person as Pierre Germain, who at about the s...
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GERMAIN, PIERRE (French). Goldsmith and Medal-engraver of the second halfaf the seventeenth century. He was born at Paris in 1645 and died thereon the 24th of September, 1684. The Paris Mint records show that an engraver of the name of Germain executed in 1678 and 1679 dies for the " Medallic History of Louis XIV ", and that he received, in two payments, the sum of 853 livres 2 sols. Whether this Germain, whose christian name is not given, is the same person as Pierre Germain, who at about the s...
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