HERMANN, STEPHAN (Germ.). Seal-engraver of Culmbach, circa 1586.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
HASTINGS, WILLIAM LORD (Brit.). Mint-master at London and Calais, under Edward IV., anni 1-16. " Of the King's peculiar munificence the same year he had a grant of the office of Master of his Mint in the Tower of London, and Town of Calais, for twelve years" (Dugdale's Baronage, vol. I, p. 580). "From an Indenture of 4th E.IV. it appears that Lord Hastings was also Keeper of all manner of the King's Eschaunges and Outchaunges in the Tower of London, Realm of England, Territory of Ireland, and To...
HASTINGS, WILLIAM LORD (Brit.). Mint-master at London and Calais, under Edward IV., anni 1-16. " Of the King's peculiar munificence the same year he had a grant of the office of Master of his Mint in the Tower of London, and Town of Calais, for twelve years" (Dugdale's Baronage, vol. I, p. 580). "From an Indenture of 4th E.IV. it appears that Lord Hastings was also Keeper of all manner of the King's Eschaunges and Outchaunges in the Tower of London, Realm of England, Territory of Ireland, and To...
HATTEN, JEAN VAN (Belg.). Coin-engraver and Medallist, died in 1691. He was Philippe Roettier's predecessor at the Brussels Mint, where since 1672 he combined the functions of Engravergeneral of the coins of the Netherlands, and Engraver to the Mint of Brussels. Pinchart mentions that he has met with this artist's signature (I. V. HATTEM) on a pretty jeton of a member of the Pipenpoy family. De Witte spells his name Hatten. Bibliography. — Pinchart, Histoire de la Gravure des Médailles, Bruxelle...
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HATTEN, JEAN VAN (Belg.). Coin-engraver and Medallist, died in 1691. He was Philippe Roettier's predecessor at the Brussels Mint, where since 1672 he combined the functions of Engravergeneral of the coins of the Netherlands, and Engraver to the Mint of Brussels. Pinchart mentions that he has met with this artist's signature (I. V. HATTEM) on a pretty jeton of a member of the Pipenpoy family. De Witte spells his name Hatten. Bibliography. — Pinchart, Histoire de la Gravure des Médailles, Bruxelle...
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HEEL, JOHANN (Germ.). Bolzenthal gives the following notice of this Engraver, who worked during the second half of the seventeenth century, and died in 1709. "Johann Heel of Augsburg established himself in Nuremberg for some time ; he was an excellent goldsmith, and Doppelmayr expressly places him among the casters of coins, without however mentioning any of his works. We are inclined to agree with Möhsen, and to consider Heel as the author of a medal with the portrait of the physician Gregor Hi...
[ More about HEEL, JOHANN ]
HEEL, JOHANN (Germ.). Bolzenthal gives the following notice of this Engraver, who worked during the second half of the seventeenth century, and died in 1709. "Johann Heel of Augsburg established himself in Nuremberg for some time ; he was an excellent goldsmith, and Doppelmayr expressly places him among the casters of coins, without however mentioning any of his works. We are inclined to agree with Möhsen, and to consider Heel as the author of a medal with the portrait of the physician Gregor Hi...
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HEIOS. A fictitious signature of a Greek Gem-engraver, found on modern gems : Diana the huntress, sard (Stosch); — Dying Amazon, sard (Raspe) ; — Head of youth with curly hair, sard (Lord Greville) ; — Minerva, nicolo (Raspe); — Ulysses and Diomede killing Dolon (Blacas). Bibliography. — Babelon, La Gravure en pierres fines, Paris, 1894. — A. Furtvängler, Studien über die Gemmen mit Künstlerinschriften, in Iahrbuch des Kais. Deutsch. Archaeol. Inslituts, 1888-9. — C. W. King, Antique Gems, i860....
[ More about HEIOS ]
HEIOS. A fictitious signature of a Greek Gem-engraver, found on modern gems : Diana the huntress, sard (Stosch); — Dying Amazon, sard (Raspe) ; — Head of youth with curly hair, sard (Lord Greville) ; — Minerva, nicolo (Raspe); — Ulysses and Diomede killing Dolon (Blacas). Bibliography. — Babelon, La Gravure en pierres fines, Paris, 1894. — A. Furtvängler, Studien über die Gemmen mit Künstlerinschriften, in Iahrbuch des Kais. Deutsch. Archaeol. Inslituts, 1888-9. — C. W. King, Antique Gems, i860....
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