HILDEBRAND, PROFESSOR ADOLF (Germ.). One of the foremost German Sculptors of modern times, was born at Marburg, on the 6th of October 1847. He studied first at Jena, then at Nuremberg; he visited Rome in 1867 where he made a stay of eighteen months; in 1870, he settled at Berlin, but two years after returned again to Italy, opening a studio at Florence. He now resides at Munich. The works of Hildebrand are very numerous; several have been purchased by the German government and are exhibited at the Berl- in National Gallery. He executed busts of Th. Heyse, Dr Fiedler, Duke Charles Theodore of Bavaria, Arnold Bocklin, Ignaz Döllinger, Hermann von Helmholtz, Max von Pettenkofer, D. Haase and Otto Ludwig; statues in clay, marble, or bronze, representing Adam, Water Carrier, Flute Player, Female figure, the Dioscobolus, Mercury, Marsyas ; various groups; terra-cottas ; portraits; stone reliefs, Leda, A Panic, Christ; the Wittelsbach Fountain at Munich ; the Fountain " Father Rhine" at Strassburg; Monuments to Brahm at Meiningen, Hans von Bülow at Hamburg, and many other important pieces of statuary and sculpture. Prof. Hildebrand modelled also several Bronze Portrait-medallions and Plaques, some of which are illustrated in Heilmeyer's biogra- phy of the artist : Bismarck, Chancellor of State ; — Hans von Bülow ; — Arnold Borsig ; — Dr Max von Pettenkofer, Munich, 1900 ; &c. His medalet of Bismarck, in helmet (illustrated), struck in commemo- ration of the Chancellor's eightieth birthday, 1. April 1895, is one of the most admired and finest productions of modern German medallic art. "Der Künstler," observes Heilmeyer, " steht im fünf und fünf- zigsten Lebensjahre, er kann die Welt noch mit manchem Werke erfreuen. In der Ausgestaltung von bestimmten Situationen, durch Bauten, Denkmälern, Grabmälern und Brunnen, steht er mit seinem Schaffen unmittelbar im Leben der Gegenwart. In seinen Einzel- werken ist er der Mensch, der ihm bei der Mannigfaltigkeit an ind"ividuellen Arten immer wieder neue Motive darbietet. In seiner Gestaltungsweise offenbart sich eine Grundanschau- ung unseres allgemeinen Verhältnisses zur Natur, er bereichert unsere Vorstellung um neue räumliche Anschauungsformen und in der Darstellung des Menschen um neue individuelle Ausdrucks- werte. Hierin zeigt sich der eigenartige und wahrhaft ideal Charakter seiner Kunst. " Hildebrand competed with success for the designs of the latest coinage of Saxe-Meiningen. Bibliography. — Alexander Heilmeyer, Adolph Hildebrand, Velhagen & Klasing, Leipzig, 1902.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
HEIOS. A fictitious signature of a Greek Gem-engraver, found on modern gems : Diana the huntress, sard (Stosch); — Dying Amazon, sard (Raspe) ; — Head of youth with curly hair, sard (Lord Greville) ; — Minerva, nicolo (Raspe); — Ulysses and Diomede killing Dolon (Blacas). Bibliography. — Babelon, La Gravure en pierres fines, Paris, 1894. — A. Furtvängler, Studien über die Gemmen mit Künstlerinschriften, in Iahrbuch des Kais. Deutsch. Archaeol. Inslituts, 1888-9. — C. W. King, Antique Gems, i860....
[ More about HEIOS ]
HEIOS. A fictitious signature of a Greek Gem-engraver, found on modern gems : Diana the huntress, sard (Stosch); — Dying Amazon, sard (Raspe) ; — Head of youth with curly hair, sard (Lord Greville) ; — Minerva, nicolo (Raspe); — Ulysses and Diomede killing Dolon (Blacas). Bibliography. — Babelon, La Gravure en pierres fines, Paris, 1894. — A. Furtvängler, Studien über die Gemmen mit Künstlerinschriften, in Iahrbuch des Kais. Deutsch. Archaeol. Inslituts, 1888-9. — C. W. King, Antique Gems, i860....
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HELD, AUGUST LUDWIG (Germ.). Medallist of the early part ot the nineteenth century. He was born in 1805, and died quite young, on 17. September 1839. " He has left a considerable number of works", says Bolzenthal, " in which some richness of composition is to be observed ; he was however too rapid to be able to execute anything important. " He resided at Berlin, but came from Altenburg, and worked for Gottfried Bernhard Loos. Ludwig Held's signature occurs on the following medals which have come...
[ More about HELD, AUGUST LUDWIG ]
HELD, AUGUST LUDWIG (Germ.). Medallist of the early part ot the nineteenth century. He was born in 1805, and died quite young, on 17. September 1839. " He has left a considerable number of works", says Bolzenthal, " in which some richness of composition is to be observed ; he was however too rapid to be able to execute anything important. " He resided at Berlin, but came from Altenburg, and worked for Gottfried Bernhard Loos. Ludwig Held's signature occurs on the following medals which have come...
[ More about HELD, AUGUST LUDWIG ]
HELD, JOHANN (Germ.). Son of the last, born in 1734; died on October 17, 1808, at Kreutzburg. Medallist to the Breslau Mint, where he first worked with his father, as early as 1768. He is the author of the following medals : General von Farrat; — Christian Garve, Philosopher; — Prince Hohenlohe; — Hönicke; — Minister von Hoyen ; — Christian L. Ludovici ; — Bernhard von Sternenheim of Brieg, 1771 ; — General von Tauentzien ; — Weger ; — Extinction of the Piasts, 1775 ; — Medal of Ölf, 1768, &c. B...
[ More about HELD, JOHANN (2.) ]
HELD, JOHANN (Germ.). Son of the last, born in 1734; died on October 17, 1808, at Kreutzburg. Medallist to the Breslau Mint, where he first worked with his father, as early as 1768. He is the author of the following medals : General von Farrat; — Christian Garve, Philosopher; — Prince Hohenlohe; — Hönicke; — Minister von Hoyen ; — Christian L. Ludovici ; — Bernhard von Sternenheim of Brieg, 1771 ; — General von Tauentzien ; — Weger ; — Extinction of the Piasts, 1775 ; — Medal of Ölf, 1768, &c. B...
[ More about HELD, JOHANN (2.) ]
HELFRICHT, FRIEDRICH FERDINAND (Germ.). Court-medallist at Gotha, born on 8. September 1809, died on 17. May 1892. "His talent for medallic work", says Dr F. P.Weber," showed itself in early life, and his medal of the Gotha statesman, Lindenau, attracted the attention of Duke Ernest I. of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, by whose aid he was able to study at the Berlin Academy. There, under the sculptor Shadow, his love for the antique was developed, and this taste is well shown in his marriage-medal of Duke E...
HELFRICHT, FRIEDRICH FERDINAND (Germ.). Court-medallist at Gotha, born on 8. September 1809, died on 17. May 1892. "His talent for medallic work", says Dr F. P.Weber," showed itself in early life, and his medal of the Gotha statesman, Lindenau, attracted the attention of Duke Ernest I. of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, by whose aid he was able to study at the Berlin Academy. There, under the sculptor Shadow, his love for the antique was developed, and this taste is well shown in his marriage-medal of Duke E...