KRUSE, BRUNO (Germ.). Contemporary Sculptor, and Medallist, born I. June 1855 at Hamburg, now residing at Berlin. He studied at Dresden under Professor Schilling. In 1901, he was commissioned by the Academy of Sciences of Berlin to model a Plaquette on the 80th Birthday ot Virchow, and another of Privy-Councillor von Leyden, issued for the Medical Congress in 1902; — Schiller; — Portrait-plaquette of the Grand Duchess of Saxe- Weimar, 1903; — Mommsen; — Professor Frenzel, on his 70th Birthday; — D. Herzog, Secretary of State ; — Count Waldersee; — Schen; kendorf; — O. Jessen, Director of the Industrial Schools at Berlin — Privy Councillor Neumayer; — Jubilee Medal of the City of Riga, etc. "Ich will vor allen Dingen ", writes the artist, "die Gussplakette wieder zu Ehren bringen und schweben mir dabei die italienischen Arbeiten, Gussmedaillen, Plaketten u. a. vor. Ich will, dass man bei jeder Arbeit die Hand des Künstlers, des Schopfer, sieht; bei einer geprägten Medaille geht von der Ausführung und Behandlung der Arbeit viel verloren. " BIBLIOGRAPHY. — Frankfurter Münzzeitung, 1901, p. 162; 1903, p. 456.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
KNOPF, HEINRICH (Germ.). Goldsmith and Wax-modeller of Nuremberg, in the early part ot the seventeenth century, circa 1601- 1610. In contemporary documents he is styled " Conterfeter in Wachs". In 1601 he executed a medal of the Bishop of Bamberg, Johann Philipp von Gebsattel (illustrated), and received for the model and moulds 70 florins. These medals, observes Erman, were cast, as they were wanted, in the following years, by Knopf himself and the Bamberg Goldsmiths Paul Imhot, Marx Goldschmid,...
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KNOPF, HEINRICH (Germ.). Goldsmith and Wax-modeller of Nuremberg, in the early part ot the seventeenth century, circa 1601- 1610. In contemporary documents he is styled " Conterfeter in Wachs". In 1601 he executed a medal of the Bishop of Bamberg, Johann Philipp von Gebsattel (illustrated), and received for the model and moulds 70 florins. These medals, observes Erman, were cast, as they were wanted, in the following years, by Knopf himself and the Bamberg Goldsmiths Paul Imhot, Marx Goldschmid,...
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KOENE, D. (Dutch). Medallist of the latter end of the seventeenth century, by whom are medals commemorating the return of William III. to Holland, &c. " His works " says Mr. Grueber " are very few, and little is known of him". The Engraver's signature : D. Koene or D. K- occurs on the following pieces : Fireworks at the Hague 26. Jan./ 5. Feb. 1691 on William III.'s return to Holland; — William's throne established, Oct. 1691 R. Four warriors, armed, defending an orange-tree; — Johann van Briene...
[ More about KOENE, D. ]
KOENE, D. (Dutch). Medallist of the latter end of the seventeenth century, by whom are medals commemorating the return of William III. to Holland, &c. " His works " says Mr. Grueber " are very few, and little is known of him". The Engraver's signature : D. Koene or D. K- occurs on the following pieces : Fireworks at the Hague 26. Jan./ 5. Feb. 1691 on William III.'s return to Holland; — William's throne established, Oct. 1691 R. Four warriors, armed, defending an orange-tree; — Johann van Briene...
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KOENIG, ANTONI (Austr.). Mint-engraver at Hall in Tyrol, 1723-1743. Probably a son of Johann Antoni Koenig or Khunig. By him are perhaps the Günzburg Thalers of 1765, 1766, &c. (signed : A. K.) ; — The Archduchess Marie-Antoinette arrives at Günzburg, 1770 (R. only); — The Archduke Leopold and consort, and Duke Charles of Lorraine and his sister Caroline visit Vienna, 1770; — Visit of T. H. to the Vienna Mint, 1770; — The Empress Maria Theresia lends prompt aid to the famished inhabitants of Wet...
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KOENIG, ANTONI (Austr.). Mint-engraver at Hall in Tyrol, 1723-1743. Probably a son of Johann Antoni Koenig or Khunig. By him are perhaps the Günzburg Thalers of 1765, 1766, &c. (signed : A. K.) ; — The Archduchess Marie-Antoinette arrives at Günzburg, 1770 (R. only); — The Archduke Leopold and consort, and Duke Charles of Lorraine and his sister Caroline visit Vienna, 1770; — Visit of T. H. to the Vienna Mint, 1770; — The Empress Maria Theresia lends prompt aid to the famished inhabitants of Wet...
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KOENIG, OTTFRIED (Germ.). Medallist at Moscow, 1718-1724, whose productions are signed 0. K. Schlickeysen observes that this signature (and also K. 0.) occurs on medals of Peter the Great, for which however dies of the Augsburg Medallist P. H. Müller, who died in 1718, were used. The Moscow Roubles of 1718-1724 are the work of Koenig (one of 1724 illustrated), and apparently also the following medals : Second Expedition of the Russian Fleet to Finland; — Another, on the sameevent; R. A variety o...
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KOENIG, OTTFRIED (Germ.). Medallist at Moscow, 1718-1724, whose productions are signed 0. K. Schlickeysen observes that this signature (and also K. 0.) occurs on medals of Peter the Great, for which however dies of the Augsburg Medallist P. H. Müller, who died in 1718, were used. The Moscow Roubles of 1718-1724 are the work of Koenig (one of 1724 illustrated), and apparently also the following medals : Second Expedition of the Russian Fleet to Finland; — Another, on the sameevent; R. A variety o...
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