LAFORESTERIE, LOUIS EDMOND (French). Contemporary Sculptor, born at Port-au-Prince, pupil of Jouffroy and Le Bourg ; residing at Paris. He modelled a number of Portrait-medallions some of which were exhibited at the annual Salons between 1867 and 1880, and later. The coinage of the Republic of Ha?ti, 1880-1882 bears under the head of Liberty, which he modelled, his signature : LAFORESTERIE, as well as that of : ROTY G. Bibliography. — Chavignerie et Auvray, op. cit., I, 873.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
KÖNIG, ANTON FRIEDRICH (Germ.). Son of the celebrated Berlin Miniature Court Painter of the same name; born on June 13, 1756; died January 2, 1838. He learned engraving at the Diesinking establishment of Loos and under the supervision of the Director-general of the Berlin Mint, Singer. On the 1st of September 1776, the young artist was called to the post of Medallist and Mintengraver at Breslau, and remained in office there until the spring of 1805, when he retired with a pension. In the next ye...
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KÖNIG, ANTON FRIEDRICH (Germ.). Son of the celebrated Berlin Miniature Court Painter of the same name; born on June 13, 1756; died January 2, 1838. He learned engraving at the Diesinking establishment of Loos and under the supervision of the Director-general of the Berlin Mint, Singer. On the 1st of September 1776, the young artist was called to the post of Medallist and Mintengraver at Breslau, and remained in office there until the spring of 1805, when he retired with a pension. In the next ye...
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KONSE or KONZE, C. F. (Dutch). Medallist of the second half of the eighteenth century ; pupil of Lageman. By him are the following medals in the Museum at The Hague : Inauguration of Willem V. as Stadhouder, 1766; — Visit of Prince Willem V. and consort, Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina to Amsterdam, 1768; — Birth of the Prince of Orange, 28. November 1770 ; — The Walloon Orphanage at Amsterdam, 1770; — Inauguration of the Lutheran Deaconry at Amsterdam, 1771 ; — Peter Curtenius, theologian of Amste...
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KONSE or KONZE, C. F. (Dutch). Medallist of the second half of the eighteenth century ; pupil of Lageman. By him are the following medals in the Museum at The Hague : Inauguration of Willem V. as Stadhouder, 1766; — Visit of Prince Willem V. and consort, Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina to Amsterdam, 1768; — Birth of the Prince of Orange, 28. November 1770 ; — The Walloon Orphanage at Amsterdam, 1770; — Inauguration of the Lutheran Deaconry at Amsterdam, 1771 ; — Peter Curtenius, theologian of Amste...
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KORN, FERDINAND (Germ.). Medallist and Coin-engraver of the second half of the nineteenth century. He was born at Mayence, circa 1825-1830; worked as Engraver at the Düsseldorf Mint, then at Mayence, previous to 1855 ; nominated Chief-engraver at Berne, by the Swiss Federal Council, on the 16th of March 1855; Director of the Swiss Federal Mint, 1. April 1858 to 1. April 1859; Mint-master and Chief-engraver at Wiesbaden, and Medallist to the Government of the Duchy of Nassau, 1859-1866. During hi...
[ More about KORN, FERDINAND ]
KORN, FERDINAND (Germ.). Medallist and Coin-engraver of the second half of the nineteenth century. He was born at Mayence, circa 1825-1830; worked as Engraver at the Düsseldorf Mint, then at Mayence, previous to 1855 ; nominated Chief-engraver at Berne, by the Swiss Federal Council, on the 16th of March 1855; Director of the Swiss Federal Mint, 1. April 1858 to 1. April 1859; Mint-master and Chief-engraver at Wiesbaden, and Medallist to the Government of the Duchy of Nassau, 1859-1866. During hi...
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KÖRNLEIN, JOHANN NICOLAUS (Germ.). Mint-engraver at Ratisbon, and Medallist there, 1758-1801.. His signature on medals occurs as : I. N. K; — I. N. KOERNLEIN. F. R. ; — KÖRNLEIN, &c. By him are: " Archery" medallic Thaler, 1763; — Medallic Gulden, 1763, obv. MEMORIAE. PACIS TERRA &c.; — Marriage of Joseph II. with Princess Josepha of Bavaria, 1765 ; — Conv. Thaler of Joseph Conrad, Bishop of Freising (1790-1803); — Anton Ignaz, Count Fugger, Bishop of Ratisbon, 1786; — Medallic Thaler of Ratisbo...
KÖRNLEIN, JOHANN NICOLAUS (Germ.). Mint-engraver at Ratisbon, and Medallist there, 1758-1801.. His signature on medals occurs as : I. N. K; — I. N. KOERNLEIN. F. R. ; — KÖRNLEIN, &c. By him are: " Archery" medallic Thaler, 1763; — Medallic Gulden, 1763, obv. MEMORIAE. PACIS TERRA &c.; — Marriage of Joseph II. with Princess Josepha of Bavaria, 1765 ; — Conv. Thaler of Joseph Conrad, Bishop of Freising (1790-1803); — Anton Ignaz, Count Fugger, Bishop of Ratisbon, 1786; — Medallic Thaler of Ratisbo...