LEYDIER, ANTOINE (French}. Goldsmith and Seal-engraver of Lyons, circ. 1445- † 1460. He is called " Antoine le dorier " in contemporary documents. In 1456 he was entrusted with the cutting of dies for the Mint of Lyons. By him are jetons of Queen Marie of Anjou, consort of Charles VII. Bibliography. — N. Rondot, Les Orfevres de Lyon du XIVe au XVIII si?cle, Paris, 1888.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
LEBERECHT, F. (Germ.). Medallist, and Gem-engraver, born at Meiningen in 1749, was appointed Engraver to the Russian Mint in 1775 ; in 1794 he became an Academician, and a little later, Chief-Medallist to the Court ; he further rose to the dignity of a Councillor of State, and died in 1827. For several years, previous to his death, the artist had been enjoying retirement in private life on a pension of 1500 Roubles allowed him by the Russian government. Bolzenthal remarks : "Few artists of his k...
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LEBERECHT, F. (Germ.). Medallist, and Gem-engraver, born at Meiningen in 1749, was appointed Engraver to the Russian Mint in 1775 ; in 1794 he became an Academician, and a little later, Chief-Medallist to the Court ; he further rose to the dignity of a Councillor of State, and died in 1827. For several years, previous to his death, the artist had been enjoying retirement in private life on a pension of 1500 Roubles allowed him by the Russian government. Bolzenthal remarks : "Few artists of his k...
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LECLERC, DAVID L. (Swiss). Court-medallist to the Landgrave of Hesse at Cassel, towards the end of the seventeenth century. He was a native of Berne, in which city he practised at first die-sinking. He usually signed his productions : LE CLERC P. (David Le Clerc Pére), whereas his son, Gabriel Leclerc, who appears to have succeeded him at Cassel, signed LECLERC or GLC. According to Strickler, a D. Leclerc was a Portrait Painter, born at Berne in 1680, died at Franktort-on-M., in 1738. He settle...
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LECLERC, DAVID L. (Swiss). Court-medallist to the Landgrave of Hesse at Cassel, towards the end of the seventeenth century. He was a native of Berne, in which city he practised at first die-sinking. He usually signed his productions : LE CLERC P. (David Le Clerc Pére), whereas his son, Gabriel Leclerc, who appears to have succeeded him at Cassel, signed LECLERC or GLC. According to Strickler, a D. Leclerc was a Portrait Painter, born at Berne in 1680, died at Franktort-on-M., in 1738. He settle...
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LECLERC, GABRIEL (Swiss). Medallist of the end of the seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth century arc. 1685-1737. He first worked at Basle, then at Cassel, and Berlin, and for some time was Mint-master at Bremen, 1737-1743 (?). His signature : G-L-C or GLC occurs on Thalers of Basle, undated (circ. 1685); — Prize Medal, Adoration of the Shepherds and three Kings (Al and AR.) ; — Prize Medal, obv. Lion R View of Basle (signed GLC) ; — Medallic Thaler, 1691 ; — Medal of George William of ...
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LECLERC, GABRIEL (Swiss). Medallist of the end of the seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth century arc. 1685-1737. He first worked at Basle, then at Cassel, and Berlin, and for some time was Mint-master at Bremen, 1737-1743 (?). His signature : G-L-C or GLC occurs on Thalers of Basle, undated (circ. 1685); — Prize Medal, Adoration of the Shepherds and three Kings (Al and AR.) ; — Prize Medal, obv. Lion R View of Basle (signed GLC) ; — Medallic Thaler, 1691 ; — Medal of George William of ...
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LECLERC, ISAAC (Swiss). Probably a son of Gabriel Leclerc, and a brother of David L., ; also Court medallist at Cassel, during the first half of the eighteenth century, until about 1746. He engraved a number of medals, the two best known commemorating the Centenary of the foundation of Marburg University; also Jubilee of the University of Rinteln (Hesse-Cassel), 1721. Isaac Leclerc was also a skilled Gem-engraver. He died at Cassel in 1746. Bibliography. — Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Michaud, Biog. U...
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LECLERC, ISAAC (Swiss). Probably a son of Gabriel Leclerc, and a brother of David L., ; also Court medallist at Cassel, during the first half of the eighteenth century, until about 1746. He engraved a number of medals, the two best known commemorating the Centenary of the foundation of Marburg University; also Jubilee of the University of Rinteln (Hesse-Cassel), 1721. Isaac Leclerc was also a skilled Gem-engraver. He died at Cassel in 1746. Bibliography. — Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Michaud, Biog. U...
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