LODOVICO DA FOLIGNO (Vide vol. II, p. 118). Von Fabriczy makes the following comment on Armand and Heiss's attribution to this artist of the medals of Pietro and Giovanni de' Medici. "Beide Medaillen sind wahrscheinlich, wie auch die Cosimos, über Auftrag Piero Medicis entstanden, und zwar zwischen 1465 und 1469. Auf das Zeugnis eines Schreibens hin, das der seit 1451 in Ferrara thätige Goldschmied und Medailleur Lodovico da Foligno im Juni 1471 an Lorenzo de' Medici richtete, hat Armand und nach ihm Heiss geglaubt, sie diesem zuschreiben zu sollen. Uns scheint der Brief gerade das Gegenteil zu besagen. Obwohl er nämlich die Sendung einer Denkmünze der Herzogin Bona von Mailand begleitete, und somit fast selbstverständlich dazu aufforderte, die Medaillen von Lorenzos Vater und Oheim zu erwähnen, wenn Lodovico solche früher ausgeführt hätte, so spricht der Meister darin nur " von der Liebe, die er stets für seine Herrlichkeit den edlen Herrn Piero de Cosimo gehegt habe ", sowie auch von dem dringenden Wunsche, Lorenzo zu sehen (der Ausdruck kann auch als "kennen zu lernen" gedeutet werden, womit dann bewiesen wäre, dass Lodovico in den Jahren 1465-1469 nicht in Florenz gewesen sei). Leider ist uns keine der urkundlich bezeugten Denkmünzen des Künstlers (auf Galeazzo Maria Sforza ?) und seine Gemahlin Bona, auf Lionello und Sigismondo d'Este) erhalten geblieben und somit der stilistische Vergleich derselben mit den beiden Medicistücken versagt. Aber diese scheinen uns denn doch in ihrem strengen, die Hässlichkeit der Dargestellten in nichts beschönigenden oder mildernden Realismus viel eher auf Florenz als auf die um jene Zeit in ihrem Charakter weichere ferraresische Medaillistik zu weisen. Sollten wir aber für sie einen Autor nennen, so ware es vor allen, auch den anonymen Florentinern, am ehesten : Niccolo Fiorentino. " (C. von Fabriczy, Medaillen der italienischen Renaissance, p. 55 sqq.)
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
LENOIR, PIERRE CHARLES (French). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Paris ; pupil of Charles Lenoir, Peter, Roty, and Mercié. In 1905 he obtained a Medal of the Third class. At the Salon of 1903 he exhibited several medallic works : Idyll, plaquette; — Juno, plaquette; — Five Portrait-medallions, &c. 1904. Bucolique (bronze plaquette); — Birth of Bacchus (bronze medal); — Portrait of a Lady (plaquette); — 1905. Bucolique; — Infancy of Bacchus ; — Pasteur ; — Jean Macé ; — Maurice Lenoi...
LENOIR, PIERRE CHARLES (French). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Paris ; pupil of Charles Lenoir, Peter, Roty, and Mercié. In 1905 he obtained a Medal of the Third class. At the Salon of 1903 he exhibited several medallic works : Idyll, plaquette; — Juno, plaquette; — Five Portrait-medallions, &c. 1904. Bucolique (bronze plaquette); — Birth of Bacchus (bronze medal); — Portrait of a Lady (plaquette); — 1905. Bucolique; — Infancy of Bacchus ; — Pasteur ; — Jean Macé ; — Maurice Lenoi...
LENORMANT, JÉROME (French). Goldsmith and Engraver to the King of Navarre ; Mint-engraver at Pau and Morlaas, 1572-1580. He became in 1579, Engraver, Die-cutter and Master of the Mints of Pau, Morlaas (Bearn) and Saint-Palais (Navarre). In 1576, he was paid 9 Testons for a silver seal; in 1577, 60 Livres for the engraving of seals for Catherine of Navarre, the Regent. A document of 1578, mentioned by Blanchet reads : " A Jéôrome Lenormant, graveur des monnaies du présent pays, 210 livres tournoi...
[ More about LENORMANT, JÉROME ]
LENORMANT, JÉROME (French). Goldsmith and Engraver to the King of Navarre ; Mint-engraver at Pau and Morlaas, 1572-1580. He became in 1579, Engraver, Die-cutter and Master of the Mints of Pau, Morlaas (Bearn) and Saint-Palais (Navarre). In 1576, he was paid 9 Testons for a silver seal; in 1577, 60 Livres for the engraving of seals for Catherine of Navarre, the Regent. A document of 1578, mentioned by Blanchet reads : " A Jéôrome Lenormant, graveur des monnaies du présent pays, 210 livres tournoi...
[ More about LENORMANT, JÉROME ]
LÉONARD, LAURENT (French). Medallist and Engraver, born in 1709, died at Paris on the 26. September 1788. He was employed at the Medal Mint; and between 1772 and 1774 filled temporarily the office of Mint-engraver, on the death of Charles Norbert Roettier. This Engraver contributed to the medallic series of Louis XV. ; the medal, reproduced above under LÉON is probably by him, and I have seen a medal of Louis XVI., 1775, bearing his full signature. Another, commemorating the Inauguration of the ...
[ More about LÉONARD, LAURENT ]
LÉONARD, LAURENT (French). Medallist and Engraver, born in 1709, died at Paris on the 26. September 1788. He was employed at the Medal Mint; and between 1772 and 1774 filled temporarily the office of Mint-engraver, on the death of Charles Norbert Roettier. This Engraver contributed to the medallic series of Louis XV. ; the medal, reproduced above under LÉON is probably by him, and I have seen a medal of Louis XVI., 1775, bearing his full signature. Another, commemorating the Inauguration of the ...
[ More about LÉONARD, LAURENT ]
LEONARDO DA MILANO. Vide LEONARDO DA VINCI. " By the end of the fifteenth century", says King, " we find Camillo Leonardo (writing in 1502) praising four Gem-engravers — Anichini of Ferrara, Giovanni Maria of Mantua, Tagliacarne of Genoa, and Leonardo of Milan — as equal to any of the ancients in their profession ; and furthermore stating that their works were diffused throughout all Italy — a sufficient proof of the previous length of time over which their labours had extended. " The Leonardo d...
LEONARDO DA MILANO. Vide LEONARDO DA VINCI. " By the end of the fifteenth century", says King, " we find Camillo Leonardo (writing in 1502) praising four Gem-engravers — Anichini of Ferrara, Giovanni Maria of Mantua, Tagliacarne of Genoa, and Leonardo of Milan — as equal to any of the ancients in their profession ; and furthermore stating that their works were diffused throughout all Italy — a sufficient proof of the previous length of time over which their labours had extended. " The Leonardo d...