LOGAN, JOHN (Brit.). Gem-engraver of the eighteenth century, who resided at Dublin. There is a cameo-portrait by him of Dr Henry Quin, Professor of Physic in the Dublin School of Physic from 1749 to 1786, taken from the medal by Mossop, and reproduced in Tassie's enamel paste ; also Portrait-gems of Dr Lucas, the celebrated patriot of Ireland ; — Portraits of Matrons, in the taste of the present age; — Head of Alexander the Great, white carnelian, &c.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
LÉONARD, LAURENT (French). Medallist and Engraver, born in 1709, died at Paris on the 26. September 1788. He was employed at the Medal Mint; and between 1772 and 1774 filled temporarily the office of Mint-engraver, on the death of Charles Norbert Roettier. This Engraver contributed to the medallic series of Louis XV. ; the medal, reproduced above under LÉON is probably by him, and I have seen a medal of Louis XVI., 1775, bearing his full signature. Another, commemorating the Inauguration of the ...
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LÉONARD, LAURENT (French). Medallist and Engraver, born in 1709, died at Paris on the 26. September 1788. He was employed at the Medal Mint; and between 1772 and 1774 filled temporarily the office of Mint-engraver, on the death of Charles Norbert Roettier. This Engraver contributed to the medallic series of Louis XV. ; the medal, reproduced above under LÉON is probably by him, and I have seen a medal of Louis XVI., 1775, bearing his full signature. Another, commemorating the Inauguration of the ...
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LEONARDO DA MILANO. Vide LEONARDO DA VINCI. " By the end of the fifteenth century", says King, " we find Camillo Leonardo (writing in 1502) praising four Gem-engravers — Anichini of Ferrara, Giovanni Maria of Mantua, Tagliacarne of Genoa, and Leonardo of Milan — as equal to any of the ancients in their profession ; and furthermore stating that their works were diffused throughout all Italy — a sufficient proof of the previous length of time over which their labours had extended. " The Leonardo d...
LEONARDO DA MILANO. Vide LEONARDO DA VINCI. " By the end of the fifteenth century", says King, " we find Camillo Leonardo (writing in 1502) praising four Gem-engravers — Anichini of Ferrara, Giovanni Maria of Mantua, Tagliacarne of Genoa, and Leonardo of Milan — as equal to any of the ancients in their profession ; and furthermore stating that their works were diffused throughout all Italy — a sufficient proof of the previous length of time over which their labours had extended. " The Leonardo d...
LEONARDO DA VINCI (ltal.). A famous Painter, Architect, Sculptor, Scientist, Engineer, Mechanician and Musician, born at Vinci, near Empoli, in 1452; died at Cloux, near Amboise (France) on the 2nd of May 1519. Although no medallic work can directly be traced to Leonardo da Vinci, it is beyond doubt that he made his influence felt in this branch of art also, and, as we shall see, he designed the fine Testoni of Giovanni Galeazzo Maria Sforza and Ludovico Moro, which were engraved by Caradosso; f...
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LEONARDO DA VINCI (ltal.). A famous Painter, Architect, Sculptor, Scientist, Engineer, Mechanician and Musician, born at Vinci, near Empoli, in 1452; died at Cloux, near Amboise (France) on the 2nd of May 1519. Although no medallic work can directly be traced to Leonardo da Vinci, it is beyond doubt that he made his influence felt in this branch of art also, and, as we shall see, he designed the fine Testoni of Giovanni Galeazzo Maria Sforza and Ludovico Moro, which were engraved by Caradosso; f...
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LEONI, LEONE (Ital.). Sculptor and Medallist, born at Arezzo in 1509, died at Milan on July 22., 1590. Whether he belonged to the same family as Giovanni Leone da Arezzo, upon whom the Emperor Sigismund conferred a knighthood in 1418 or not, it is impossible to ascertain. Nothing is known either of this artist's early career. In 1537 he was appointed Mint-engraver at Rome, a post which he filled until 1540. It would appear that his first medallic work of note was a Portrait-medallion ot General ...
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LEONI, LEONE (Ital.). Sculptor and Medallist, born at Arezzo in 1509, died at Milan on July 22., 1590. Whether he belonged to the same family as Giovanni Leone da Arezzo, upon whom the Emperor Sigismund conferred a knighthood in 1418 or not, it is impossible to ascertain. Nothing is known either of this artist's early career. In 1537 he was appointed Mint-engraver at Rome, a post which he filled until 1540. It would appear that his first medallic work of note was a Portrait-medallion ot General ...
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