LORENZ RUCKDESCHEL. Mint-master at Bayreuth, 1747-1765. Also C. L. R
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Mint master:
In medieval and early modern Germany, the Münzmeister ("mint master", the Latin term is monetarius) was the director or administrator of a mint, a moneyer with responsibility for the minting of coins, or specie. His duties were defined differently at different locations and ages.
LEUKIOS (LUCIUS). This Gem-engraver's signature, which occurs on a carnelian of the former Stosch collection, and represents a Winged Nike in biga galloping, appears authentic to most critics (illustrated), and Prof. Furtwängler does not express any doubt about it. He says : "Die Arbeit ist ganz reizend frisch und lebendig, ohne allzuviel Detail, ganz in der Art des Aulus und seines Viergespanns ". According to King, this signature has been added, also on other gems : Masque of a bearded Faun (G...
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LEUKIOS (LUCIUS). This Gem-engraver's signature, which occurs on a carnelian of the former Stosch collection, and represents a Winged Nike in biga galloping, appears authentic to most critics (illustrated), and Prof. Furtwängler does not express any doubt about it. He says : "Die Arbeit ist ganz reizend frisch und lebendig, ohne allzuviel Detail, ganz in der Art des Aulus und seines Viergespanns ". According to King, this signature has been added, also on other gems : Masque of a bearded Faun (G...
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LÉVÉQUE, PIERRE (French). Sculptor and Die-sinker at Paris, Palais Royal; born at Beauvais in 1780; died at Passy in 1845. One of his daughters married the celebrated engraver L. Ch. Bouvet. He is said to have cut several medals commemorating the Revolution of July 1830. By him are also Portrait-medals : Giuseppe Blangini, Italian composer (signed : LEVEQUE SC) ; — Rev. J. C. Lavater (3 var.); — Birth of Louise Marie Thér?se de France, 1819, etc., and Jetons : Mines de charbon, Dep du Nord. — So...
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LÉVÉQUE, PIERRE (French). Sculptor and Die-sinker at Paris, Palais Royal; born at Beauvais in 1780; died at Passy in 1845. One of his daughters married the celebrated engraver L. Ch. Bouvet. He is said to have cut several medals commemorating the Revolution of July 1830. By him are also Portrait-medals : Giuseppe Blangini, Italian composer (signed : LEVEQUE SC) ; — Rev. J. C. Lavater (3 var.); — Birth of Louise Marie Thér?se de France, 1819, etc., and Jetons : Mines de charbon, Dep du Nord. — So...
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LEVICK, RUBY (Brit.). Contemporary Sculptor, residing in London, who at the Royal Academy Exhibition of 1899 showed a Portrait-medallion of W. B. Rickman. "Miss Levick", says Mr. Spielmann in British Sculpture and Sculptors of to-day", who first exhibited at the Academy in 1893, seems to have made a special study of youth at sport. Her admirably arranged bronze statuette-groups of " Boys fishing", " Boys wrestling " and " Foot-ball " are all clever and well modelled; the last named composition i...
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LEVICK, RUBY (Brit.). Contemporary Sculptor, residing in London, who at the Royal Academy Exhibition of 1899 showed a Portrait-medallion of W. B. Rickman. "Miss Levick", says Mr. Spielmann in British Sculpture and Sculptors of to-day", who first exhibited at the Academy in 1893, seems to have made a special study of youth at sport. Her admirably arranged bronze statuette-groups of " Boys fishing", " Boys wrestling " and " Foot-ball " are all clever and well modelled; the last named composition i...
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LEVILLAIN, FERDINAND (French). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Paris (Passy); pupil of Lequien and Jouffroy. He first began to exhibit in 1861. In 1872, he was rewarded with a medal of the second class; a medal of the first class in 1884; a silver medal at the Universal Exhibition of 1889 ; and made a Knight of the Legion of Honour in 1892. He died on the 22nd January 1905. For many years he had been a member of the Jury of the Salon. A number of his productions are exhibited at the...
LEVILLAIN, FERDINAND (French). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Paris (Passy); pupil of Lequien and Jouffroy. He first began to exhibit in 1861. In 1872, he was rewarded with a medal of the second class; a medal of the first class in 1884; a silver medal at the Universal Exhibition of 1889 ; and made a Knight of the Legion of Honour in 1892. He died on the 22nd January 1905. For many years he had been a member of the Jury of the Salon. A number of his productions are exhibited at the...