LYSIPPUS (Ital.). Medallist of the second half of the fifteenth century ; a nephew of Cristoforo di Geremia. Friedländer was the first to place his name among the medallists,, and more recently Herr von Fabriczy has been able to add several medals to the already known list of his works. Raphael of Volterra informs us that Lysippus was entrusted with the execution of a medal of Pope Paul II. († 1471), and as he wrote at the beginning of the sixteenth century, we can fairly accept his assertion. He however does not give any further information about this artist, and under the medals of Sixtus IV. none may be attributed to him with any reasonable grounds. For tunately, continues Von Fabriczy, two of his signed productions have been traced ; the one is a Portrait-medal of Giulio Marasca (reproduced on a print of 1610); and the other, also a Portrait-medal, of Marinus Philethicus, a poet and scholar, professor at the University of Rome in 1473 (now in M. Prosper Valton, Armand's heirs collection). The latter medal presents on obv. the laureated bust of Philethicus, and the R. a copy of the pelican of Pisano's Victorino da Feltre medal, accompanied by the legend in Greek : EP?ON LY?I??OY NEOTEPOY (the work of Lysippus the younger). By comparison with these authenticated works, the following may be ascribed to Lysippus without much doubt : Giovanni Luigi Toscani (6 var., some of which bear the signature L (ysippus) P(ictor) ; — Giovanni Francesco Marasca ; — Antonio da Santa- Maria ; — Francesco Massimo ; — Francesco Vitali ; — Partheniu. (Ippolito Aurispa) ; — Pier Paolo Mellini ; — Militias Jesuallus. These medals have all in common the same style and the preference of their author for Greek legends. Further they all represent person ages who officiated between 1473 and 1484 at the Curia as Abbreviatori, Uditori di cameria, Advocates and Notaries, and most of them are young and garbed in similar costumes. To Lysippus we may also ascribe two medals of Giovanni Candida, who probably studied sculpture under him , — on one of them, which is preserved in the Este Museum at Modena, he is depicted as a youth, and apparently as a pupil of an ecclesiastical seminary; on the larger one, which belongs to M. G. Dreyfuss, (illustrated), and which is of oval shape, we see him still in clerical garb. Both pieces, observes Von Fabriczy, and especially the last, belong, for the ingenuousness of the conception and softness of the modelling to the gems of Quattro Cento medallic art. From the similarity of style as well as from the testimony of Rafael da Volterra, who informs us that Lysippus vas working for Pope Sixtus IV., we may still further consider as the work of this artist the medal of Raffaele Riario, the Pope's nephew, who was raised in 1478 at the age of 17 to the dignity of a cardinal. The R of this medal represents St George on horseback spearing the Dragon, an allusion to the cardinal's title of San Giorgio in Velabro. And closely connected with this medal is that of Catalano Cosali (a later Protonotarius) of the same year, which occurs sometimes with the R. of the Riario medal, and displays again the same characteristics of treatment. To the above list of Lysippus's productions, Dr Bode ?, in his review of C. Von Fabriczy's Medaillen der Italienischen Renaissance, has been able to add the following : Diomede Caraffa (illustrated) ; — Girolamo Callagrano (with arms on R) ; — Catalano Cosali, a Bolognese, 1478 ; — Fabrico Varano ; — and probably also Gabriel, Cardinal San Prassede, with a, Greek legend : KA?ON ?EPONTA KAI T??HN?N MA?EIN; —also the larger medal of Giovanni Aurispa (R. arms), which was formerly attributed to Pisanello, &c. Lysippus was a Mantuan, according to Armand, but it is remarkable that most of the personages he has depicted are of Neapolitan origin, many of them having belonged to the Roman Curia. Both Friedländer and Armand have given to this artist the medal of Sixtus IV., but later writers have not confirmed this attribution. The style of Lysippus is often dry, and as a rule the reverses are not of exceptional merit. He was greatly surpassed by his pupil Giovanni de Candida, and Dr Bode says : " Weit bedeutender als Lysipp, der regelmässig trocken ist und auf komponierte Rückseiten sich nicht einlässt, ist sein Schüler Giovanni Candida aus vornehmen Neapler Geschlecht ". On the R of the medal of Giulio Marasca, the artist signs himself : LYSIPPVS AMICO OPTIMO. This medal is reproduced in Petavius Pa P. in Francor. curia consilia : antiquariae supellectilis portiuncula Parisius, 1610. 1. Dr Bode, Zur neuesten Forschung auf dem Gebiete der italienischen Medaillenkunde, Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst, 1903, p. 41. Bibliography. — Friedländer, Die Italienischen Schaumünzen, Berlin, 1882. — Armand, Les Médailleurs italiens, 1883-1887. — C. Von Fabriczy, op. cit. — Blanchet, op. cit. — Revue numismatique, 1903, p. 199. — Dr Bode, l. c. — Merzbacher, Kunst-Medaillen-Katalog, München, 1900.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
LONGUEIL, HONORÉ DE (French). Grandson of the celebrated Line-engraver, Joseph de Longueil ( † 1792), was born on the 16th February 1818 at Paris; settled in business as an Engraver, rue Royale, 8, in 1838; retired into private life in 1861, and died on the 31. July 1889 at Grignon Castle, Thiais (Seine), his nephew's residence. By this Engraver are several medals and jetons, some of which are signed : DELONGUEIL F. I have come across the following : Jetons of the Asphalte Works of Seyssel-Lobsa...
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LONGUEIL, HONORÉ DE (French). Grandson of the celebrated Line-engraver, Joseph de Longueil ( † 1792), was born on the 16th February 1818 at Paris; settled in business as an Engraver, rue Royale, 8, in 1838; retired into private life in 1861, and died on the 31. July 1889 at Grignon Castle, Thiais (Seine), his nephew's residence. By this Engraver are several medals and jetons, some of which are signed : DELONGUEIL F. I have come across the following : Jetons of the Asphalte Works of Seyssel-Lobsa...
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LONISON or LONYSON, JOHN (Brit.). Mint-master at London, anni 14-19 of Elizabeth, 1571-1576. Kenyon makes two references to this Mint-master : " By an indenture of the 19th April, 1572, made with John Lonison, only three gold coins were to be made, namely, Angels, Angelets, and Quarter Angels, of the old standard and the same weight as before, and these were to be current at their old values of 10 s., 5 s., and 2 s 6 d respectively. On the 19th December, 1578, a commission was made out, authoriz...
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LONISON or LONYSON, JOHN (Brit.). Mint-master at London, anni 14-19 of Elizabeth, 1571-1576. Kenyon makes two references to this Mint-master : " By an indenture of the 19th April, 1572, made with John Lonison, only three gold coins were to be made, namely, Angels, Angelets, and Quarter Angels, of the old standard and the same weight as before, and these were to be current at their old values of 10 s., 5 s., and 2 s 6 d respectively. On the 19th December, 1578, a commission was made out, authoriz...
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LOOF, JAN (Dutch). Medallist of Middleburg, second quarter of the seventeenth century. His medals are dated between 1627 and 1660. He received a special permission from the States General of Holland to commemorate remarkable events by medals. Amongst his best known medallic productions are : 1629. Taking of Bois-le-Duc (2 var.) ; — 1631. Naval Engagement at Slaak (2 var.) ; — 1632. Death of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden; — 1637. Taking of Breda by Prince Frederick Henry of Orange (2 var.); — ...
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LOOF, JAN (Dutch). Medallist of Middleburg, second quarter of the seventeenth century. His medals are dated between 1627 and 1660. He received a special permission from the States General of Holland to commemorate remarkable events by medals. Amongst his best known medallic productions are : 1629. Taking of Bois-le-Duc (2 var.) ; — 1631. Naval Engagement at Slaak (2 var.) ; — 1632. Death of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden; — 1637. Taking of Breda by Prince Frederick Henry of Orange (2 var.); — ...
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LOOS, DANIEL FRIEDRICH (Germ.). Medallist and Coin-engraver, born at Altenburg 15. January, 1735; died 1. October, 1819, at Berlin. He was a pupil of Johann Friedrich Stieler, and in 1756 went to Prussia, became Mint-engraver at Magdeburg, 1756-1767, and was appointed Chief-sngraver and Medallist to the Court at Berlin in 1768. Amongst his medallic productions I may mention : Elizabeth of York (" Souvenir Medal, engraved at the expense of a Mr. Thane, who considered that the legal representative...
LOOS, DANIEL FRIEDRICH (Germ.). Medallist and Coin-engraver, born at Altenburg 15. January, 1735; died 1. October, 1819, at Berlin. He was a pupil of Johann Friedrich Stieler, and in 1756 went to Prussia, became Mint-engraver at Magdeburg, 1756-1767, and was appointed Chief-sngraver and Medallist to the Court at Berlin in 1768. Amongst his medallic productions I may mention : Elizabeth of York (" Souvenir Medal, engraved at the expense of a Mr. Thane, who considered that the legal representative...