OTTO (or OTHO), THOMAS FITZ (Brit.). Goldsmith, and Mintengraver in London, under Henry III., presumably from 1265 to 1268 or 1269, when he was replaced by Ralph Le Blound ; and again, under Edward I., from 1290 to 1294. He is styled Die Graver in Fee. We read in Ruding : " In the 49th year of Henry III., Thomas Fitz Otho claimed, in the Court of Exchequer, the broken dies, as belonging to him of inheritance, and had his claim allowed ; and in the 52nd year he presented before the barons, Ralph Le Blund to the office of cutter of the king's dies " (p. 41). Bibliography. — Ruding, op. cit. — Chaffers, op. cit.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
NOIROT, PIERRE (Belg.). Goldsmith of Bruges, and Mint-engraver there, 5. November 1504 until his death, 30. November 1523. By him are probably the dies for most of the coins issued at that Mint between 1504 and 1517 : Al. Toison; Philippus; — AR. Double Patard ; Patard ; Gros ; Half Gros; Quarter Gros; Gigot of 6 Mites; Denier noir of 4 Mites; and Courte of 2 Mites; — Also those for the coinage of 1521 : Al. Real; Half Real; Double Carolus (2 types); Carolus; — AR. Real; Half Real; Half Carolus...
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NOIROT, PIERRE (Belg.). Goldsmith of Bruges, and Mint-engraver there, 5. November 1504 until his death, 30. November 1523. By him are probably the dies for most of the coins issued at that Mint between 1504 and 1517 : Al. Toison; Philippus; — AR. Double Patard ; Patard ; Gros ; Half Gros; Quarter Gros; Gigot of 6 Mites; Denier noir of 4 Mites; and Courte of 2 Mites; — Also those for the coinage of 1521 : Al. Real; Half Real; Double Carolus (2 types); Carolus; — AR. Real; Half Real; Half Carolus...
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NOLTE & C°, OTTO (Germ.). Die-sinking Establishment, founded at Berlin in 1875 by Otto Nolte, who is still chief partner in the firm. They have occasionally issued medals, one of which commemorates the New Century, struck in 1900. A correspondent writes : " Die Firma befasst sich speciell mit dem Vertriebe von Gelegenheitsmedaillen, fabrizirt auch selbstständig Miederbesätze für Bayerische Mädchen, und vertritt die Firma : Friedr. Pauli und Comp., Nürnberg(Gold und Silber Carton und Patent-Foli...
[ More about NOLTE, OTTO ]
NOLTE & C°, OTTO (Germ.). Die-sinking Establishment, founded at Berlin in 1875 by Otto Nolte, who is still chief partner in the firm. They have occasionally issued medals, one of which commemorates the New Century, struck in 1900. A correspondent writes : " Die Firma befasst sich speciell mit dem Vertriebe von Gelegenheitsmedaillen, fabrizirt auch selbstständig Miederbesätze für Bayerische Mädchen, und vertritt die Firma : Friedr. Pauli und Comp., Nürnberg(Gold und Silber Carton und Patent-Foli...
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NOOST or NOST, JOHN VAN (Brit.). Sculptor and Medallist, born in Piccadilly, London, in the early part of the eighteenth century, settled about 1750 at Dublin, where he worked for many years, and executed several public statues. He was appointed Statuary in Ordinary to King George III. He died in Mecklenburgh St., Dublin, towards the end of September 1780. By this artist are several medals, amongst which I have noticed : Memorial Medal of George II., probably executed in 1763, and signed : I. V...
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NOOST or NOST, JOHN VAN (Brit.). Sculptor and Medallist, born in Piccadilly, London, in the early part of the eighteenth century, settled about 1750 at Dublin, where he worked for many years, and executed several public statues. He was appointed Statuary in Ordinary to King George III. He died in Mecklenburgh St., Dublin, towards the end of September 1780. By this artist are several medals, amongst which I have noticed : Memorial Medal of George II., probably executed in 1763, and signed : I. V...
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NORDHEIM, AUGUST FRIEDRICH VON (Germ.). Sculptor, and Medallist of Frankfort-on-Main, born 23. April 1813 at Heinrichs dorf in Thuringia; pupil of Döll of Suhl. He first devoted himself to Engraving, and was appointed Mint-engraver at Düsseldorf in 1836. Six years later, on the advice of Baron von Reuter, he was called to Frankfort-on-Main, where he made his name as a Sculptor. He executed there numerous busts and statuettes, and in 1862 a colossal statue of Victorious Germania. The Frankfort Mi...
NORDHEIM, AUGUST FRIEDRICH VON (Germ.). Sculptor, and Medallist of Frankfort-on-Main, born 23. April 1813 at Heinrichs dorf in Thuringia; pupil of Döll of Suhl. He first devoted himself to Engraving, and was appointed Mint-engraver at Düsseldorf in 1836. Six years later, on the advice of Baron von Reuter, he was called to Frankfort-on-Main, where he made his name as a Sculptor. He executed there numerous busts and statuettes, and in 1862 a colossal statue of Victorious Germania. The Frankfort Mi...