DOUBLEDAY, EDMUND or EDWARD (Brit.). Mint-master in London, in conjunction with Thomas Lord Knyvet, from 1617 to 1623 (?).
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Mint master:
In medieval and early modern Germany, the Münzmeister ("mint master", the Latin term is monetarius) was the director or administrator of a mint, a moneyer with responsibility for the minting of coins, or specie. His duties were defined differently at different locations and ages.
DERNBACH, BERNHARD (Genu.). Warden of the Mint of Frankfort on Main, 1452-54. He coined Tournois, Englische, and Hellers, also Half Hellers or Hälblings. On some of these coins appears which Rüppel has taken to be the initial of Dernbach ; it really stands for Conrad von Weinsberg, Mint-master, as the following record from a document of 1432 proves beyond doubt : " Conrat herre zu Winsperg... möge Stempel schneiden lassen...Bibliography. — Paul Joseph u. Ed. Fellner, Die Münzen von Frankfurt am...
DERNBACH, BERNHARD (Genu.). Warden of the Mint of Frankfort on Main, 1452-54. He coined Tournois, Englische, and Hellers, also Half Hellers or Hälblings. On some of these coins appears which Rüppel has taken to be the initial of Dernbach ; it really stands for Conrad von Weinsberg, Mint-master, as the following record from a document of 1432 proves beyond doubt : " Conrat herre zu Winsperg... möge Stempel schneiden lassen...Bibliography. — Paul Joseph u. Ed. Fellner, Die Münzen von Frankfurt am...
DERVIEUX, MICHEL (French). Forger of coins of the seventeenth century. We read the following note in the Numismatic Chronicle, 1843, p. 54 : " Those who, after the Paduans, acquired the greatest notoriety in making false coins were : Michael Dervieux, who established himself at Florence, where he counterfeited all kinds of ancient coins and medals, but chiefly bronze medallions : these pieces, for the most part, are very thick and large, wide clefts are cut in the sides, and the types are too co...
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DERVIEUX, MICHEL (French). Forger of coins of the seventeenth century. We read the following note in the Numismatic Chronicle, 1843, p. 54 : " Those who, after the Paduans, acquired the greatest notoriety in making false coins were : Michael Dervieux, who established himself at Florence, where he counterfeited all kinds of ancient coins and medals, but chiefly bronze medallions : these pieces, for the most part, are very thick and large, wide clefts are cut in the sides, and the types are too co...
[ More about DERVIEUX, MICHEL ]
DESAIDE, ALPHONSE (French). Son of the above, and also a Publisher of Medals, residing at Paris. He styles himself " graveur en médailles" and cuts dies also. A large number of the best works of the modern French medallists have been published by him ; Roty, Pillet, Massoule, Perrot, &c, have worked for him. His specialities are Prize medals, Diplomas, Wreaths, Badges, Insignia, &c. He has edited the Pasteur Medal of Haward University and a Medal of the Conseil d'Hygiéne de l' Aisle ; also medal...
[ More about DESAIDE, ALPHONSE ]
DESAIDE, ALPHONSE (French). Son of the above, and also a Publisher of Medals, residing at Paris. He styles himself " graveur en médailles" and cuts dies also. A large number of the best works of the modern French medallists have been published by him ; Roty, Pillet, Massoule, Perrot, &c, have worked for him. His specialities are Prize medals, Diplomas, Wreaths, Badges, Insignia, &c. He has edited the Pasteur Medal of Haward University and a Medal of the Conseil d'Hygiéne de l' Aisle ; also medal...
[ More about DESAIDE, ALPHONSE ]
DESBOEUFS, ANTOINE (French). Sculptor, Medallist, and Gemengraver (1793-1862). Pupil of Cartelier and Jeuffroy. His productions in sculpture and medals are very numerous. The latter illustrate the history of Louis XVIII., Charles X., Louis-Philippe, and Napoleon III. He also largely contributed to the Medallic Gallery of Celebrated Frenchmen. In 1814 he was rewarded with the First Prize for gem-engraving, and he obtained, a little later, the title of Gem-engraver to the Duke of Angoul?me. In 185...
DESBOEUFS, ANTOINE (French). Sculptor, Medallist, and Gemengraver (1793-1862). Pupil of Cartelier and Jeuffroy. His productions in sculpture and medals are very numerous. The latter illustrate the history of Louis XVIII., Charles X., Louis-Philippe, and Napoleon III. He also largely contributed to the Medallic Gallery of Celebrated Frenchmen. In 1814 he was rewarded with the First Prize for gem-engraving, and he obtained, a little later, the title of Gem-engraver to the Duke of Angoul?me. In 185...