FACCIOLI, GIROLAMO (Ital.). Bolzenthal quotes this artist, whose name is also found as FACIUOLI, a native of Perugia, who worked between 1530 and 1574, as a clever Goldsmith, Copper plate-engraver, and Medallist. The author above-mentioned adds that Faccioli the Elder must be distinguished from his son, who flourished during the second half of the sixteenth century. Benvenuto Cellini refers to the elder Faccioli in his Autobiography, and says that he worked from designs by Francesco Mazzola. We possess no medallic works by this artist. He was Coin-engraver at the Mint of Bologna, and on his death, in 1573, was succeeded by Alessandro Menganti. Bibliography. — Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Francesco Malaguzzi, La Zecca di Bologna, Rivista Italiana di Numismatica, 1898. L. Forrer. — Biographical Notices of Medallists. — II.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
EDLING, JOHANN JOACHIM (Austr.). Mint-master at St. Pölten, 1624; distinctive symbol, a French double-lily. A thaler of 1625 bears the artist's initials I. I.E. and the lily. In 1627 he undertook the management of the Mint of Gitschin, and previous to 1624, he had worked the Presburg Mint. On the 15th of March, 1625, M. Fellner was instated Master of the Mint at St Pölten, but on the 13th September of the same year, Edling contracted for it again, and had to finally give it up at the end of 1625...
EDLING, JOHANN JOACHIM (Austr.). Mint-master at St. Pölten, 1624; distinctive symbol, a French double-lily. A thaler of 1625 bears the artist's initials I. I.E. and the lily. In 1627 he undertook the management of the Mint of Gitschin, and previous to 1624, he had worked the Presburg Mint. On the 15th of March, 1625, M. Fellner was instated Master of the Mint at St Pölten, but on the 13th September of the same year, Edling contracted for it again, and had to finally give it up at the end of 1625...
EGERTON, THOMAS (Brit.). Master of the London Mint under Philip and Mary "By a proclamation of the 20th August 1553, and an indenture of the same date made with Thomas Egerton, Thomas Stanley, and others, it was ordered that the gold coins to be thenceforth made were to be the sovereign, which was to be current for 30 s.; the half-sovereign, to be called the royal of gold, and to be current for 15 s. ; the angel at 10 s .; and the halfangel at 5 s. All to be of fine gold, i. e. ; of the old stan...
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EGERTON, THOMAS (Brit.). Master of the London Mint under Philip and Mary "By a proclamation of the 20th August 1553, and an indenture of the same date made with Thomas Egerton, Thomas Stanley, and others, it was ordered that the gold coins to be thenceforth made were to be the sovereign, which was to be current for 30 s.; the half-sovereign, to be called the royal of gold, and to be current for 15 s. ; the angel at 10 s .; and the halfangel at 5 s. All to be of fine gold, i. e. ; of the old stan...
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ELKINGTON & CO (Brit.). A firm of London and Sheffield Silver smiths, which has from time to time edited medals. The City Cor- poration medal of 1891, commemorating the Visit of the Emperor and Empress of Germany to London is signed ELKINGTON & CO, and is a fine piece of work; that struck in 1886, on the Colonial and Indian Reception, is also by the same firm. The medals on the Industrial Exhibition at Toronto, 1879 ; The Marquis of Lome and Princess Louise; and those produced to celebrate the 1...
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ELKINGTON & CO (Brit.). A firm of London and Sheffield Silver smiths, which has from time to time edited medals. The City Cor- poration medal of 1891, commemorating the Visit of the Emperor and Empress of Germany to London is signed ELKINGTON & CO, and is a fine piece of work; that struck in 1886, on the Colonial and Indian Reception, is also by the same firm. The medals on the Industrial Exhibition at Toronto, 1879 ; The Marquis of Lome and Princess Louise; and those produced to celebrate the 1...
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ELLIS & CO, P. W. (Canad.). Firm of Die-sinkers and Medallists, at Toronto. Their best known medals are : Montreal Carnival, 1885 ; — Canada's Winter Carnival, 1887; — Industrial Exhibi- tion of Toronto, 1879; — Ontario Agricultural Exhibition, 1886; — St Andrew's Society of Toronto, 1886; — Lord Lansdowne, 1885 ; — Temperance Act sustained, 1884; — Toronto Collegiate Institute; — Toronto Crystal Palace; — H. E. The Marquis of Lansdowne ; — Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee, 1897 ; — School Prize M...
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ELLIS & CO, P. W. (Canad.). Firm of Die-sinkers and Medallists, at Toronto. Their best known medals are : Montreal Carnival, 1885 ; — Canada's Winter Carnival, 1887; — Industrial Exhibi- tion of Toronto, 1879; — Ontario Agricultural Exhibition, 1886; — St Andrew's Society of Toronto, 1886; — Lord Lansdowne, 1885 ; — Temperance Act sustained, 1884; — Toronto Collegiate Institute; — Toronto Crystal Palace; — H. E. The Marquis of Lansdowne ; — Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee, 1897 ; — School Prize M...
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