HANS GEORG LANGBEIN. Mint-master at Mayence, 1691-1692.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Mint master:
In medieval and early modern Germany, the Münzmeister ("mint master", the Latin term is monetarius) was the director or administrator of a mint, a moneyer with responsibility for the minting of coins, or specie. His duties were defined differently at different locations and ages.
GRUTER, PIERRE DE (Belg.). Goldsmith, Coin, and Seal-engraver of Malines; another son of Antoine de Gruter. He was condemned to capital punishment in 1536 for having cut dies intended for striking imitations of English coins, "pour les crismes, délict et mésuz par lui comis et perpétrez d'avoir par deux fois gravé aucuns fers ? forgier monnoye d'Angleterre et iceulx délivré ? Martin Marmion, lequel en a usé, a estre eschaffauldé au-devant du palais, et illecq estre flatry an front de l'ung des f...
[ More about GRUTER, PIERRE DE ]
GRUTER, PIERRE DE (Belg.). Goldsmith, Coin, and Seal-engraver of Malines; another son of Antoine de Gruter. He was condemned to capital punishment in 1536 for having cut dies intended for striking imitations of English coins, "pour les crismes, délict et mésuz par lui comis et perpétrez d'avoir par deux fois gravé aucuns fers ? forgier monnoye d'Angleterre et iceulx délivré ? Martin Marmion, lequel en a usé, a estre eschaffauldé au-devant du palais, et illecq estre flatry an front de l'ung des f...
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GUERINO, GIOVANNI (Ital.). Mint-engraver at Rome, 1548-1549. M. Eug. Müntz identified Giovanni Guerino with the celebrated Moderno, from a document of 1548, thus worded : 1548. 12 Septembre. Domino Johanni Guerino Moderno alme Urbis Zeccherio scuta centum de poulis X pro scuto, sine relentione, ad bonum computum sue provisionis occasione dicte Zecche. I shall return to this identification, when I come to the bio- graphical notice of MODERNO (q.v. infrâ). Bibliography. — Eug. Müntz, L'Alelier mon...
[ More about GUERINO, GIOVANNI ]
GUERINO, GIOVANNI (Ital.). Mint-engraver at Rome, 1548-1549. M. Eug. Müntz identified Giovanni Guerino with the celebrated Moderno, from a document of 1548, thus worded : 1548. 12 Septembre. Domino Johanni Guerino Moderno alme Urbis Zeccherio scuta centum de poulis X pro scuto, sine relentione, ad bonum computum sue provisionis occasione dicte Zecche. I shall return to this identification, when I come to the bio- graphical notice of MODERNO (q.v. infrâ). Bibliography. — Eug. Müntz, L'Alelier mon...
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GUERRERO, PEDRO JUAN MARIA DE (Mex.) Medallist and Coin-engraver at Mexico under Ferdinand VII. of Spain, beginning of the nineteenth century, and until after the downfall of Augustin, first Emperor of Mexico. The following medals bear Guerrero's signature : Royal Badge of the Mexican College of San Ildefonso, 1808; — Royal Badge of Fidelity to King Ferdinand VII., of the Collegium Mexicanum, 1809; — The Royal University of Mexico, 1809; — Ferdi- nand VII., Royal Badge of Allegiance " College of...
GUERRERO, PEDRO JUAN MARIA DE (Mex.) Medallist and Coin-engraver at Mexico under Ferdinand VII. of Spain, beginning of the nineteenth century, and until after the downfall of Augustin, first Emperor of Mexico. The following medals bear Guerrero's signature : Royal Badge of the Mexican College of San Ildefonso, 1808; — Royal Badge of Fidelity to King Ferdinand VII., of the Collegium Mexicanum, 1809; — The Royal University of Mexico, 1809; — Ferdi- nand VII., Royal Badge of Allegiance " College of...
GUESZ, HANS (Austr.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Kremnitz, 1618-1648. He prepared dies for a Hungarian coinage of Ducats, Thalers, Half, and Quarter-Thalers, of various dates. He also engraved several medals, signed H. G. : Portrait-medal of Ferdi- nand II., as King of Hungary, 1618 ; — Prize Medal for the Kremnitz College, 1618; — Religious medal; — Commemorative medal of the Diet of Ratisbon, 1633; — Ferdinand III., 1638; — Ferdinand III. and Queen Maria Anna; — Susanna Hoflinger; — Johann v...
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GUESZ, HANS (Austr.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Kremnitz, 1618-1648. He prepared dies for a Hungarian coinage of Ducats, Thalers, Half, and Quarter-Thalers, of various dates. He also engraved several medals, signed H. G. : Portrait-medal of Ferdi- nand II., as King of Hungary, 1618 ; — Prize Medal for the Kremnitz College, 1618; — Religious medal; — Commemorative medal of the Diet of Ratisbon, 1633; — Ferdinand III., 1638; — Ferdinand III. and Queen Maria Anna; — Susanna Hoflinger; — Johann v...
[ More about GUESZ, HANS ]