HANS GLÄSER. Mint-master at Schleswig, 1641-1644.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Mint master:
In medieval and early modern Germany, the Münzmeister ("mint master", the Latin term is monetarius) was the director or administrator of a mint, a moneyer with responsibility for the minting of coins, or specie. His duties were defined differently at different locations and ages.
GUERINO, GIOVANNI (Ital.). Mint-engraver at Rome, 1548-1549. M. Eug. Müntz identified Giovanni Guerino with the celebrated Moderno, from a document of 1548, thus worded : 1548. 12 Septembre. Domino Johanni Guerino Moderno alme Urbis Zeccherio scuta centum de poulis X pro scuto, sine relentione, ad bonum computum sue provisionis occasione dicte Zecche. I shall return to this identification, when I come to the bio- graphical notice of MODERNO (q.v. infrâ). Bibliography. — Eug. Müntz, L'Alelier mon...
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GUERINO, GIOVANNI (Ital.). Mint-engraver at Rome, 1548-1549. M. Eug. Müntz identified Giovanni Guerino with the celebrated Moderno, from a document of 1548, thus worded : 1548. 12 Septembre. Domino Johanni Guerino Moderno alme Urbis Zeccherio scuta centum de poulis X pro scuto, sine relentione, ad bonum computum sue provisionis occasione dicte Zecche. I shall return to this identification, when I come to the bio- graphical notice of MODERNO (q.v. infrâ). Bibliography. — Eug. Müntz, L'Alelier mon...
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GUERRERO, PEDRO JUAN MARIA DE (Mex.) Medallist and Coin-engraver at Mexico under Ferdinand VII. of Spain, beginning of the nineteenth century, and until after the downfall of Augustin, first Emperor of Mexico. The following medals bear Guerrero's signature : Royal Badge of the Mexican College of San Ildefonso, 1808; — Royal Badge of Fidelity to King Ferdinand VII., of the Collegium Mexicanum, 1809; — The Royal University of Mexico, 1809; — Ferdi- nand VII., Royal Badge of Allegiance " College of...
GUERRERO, PEDRO JUAN MARIA DE (Mex.) Medallist and Coin-engraver at Mexico under Ferdinand VII. of Spain, beginning of the nineteenth century, and until after the downfall of Augustin, first Emperor of Mexico. The following medals bear Guerrero's signature : Royal Badge of the Mexican College of San Ildefonso, 1808; — Royal Badge of Fidelity to King Ferdinand VII., of the Collegium Mexicanum, 1809; — The Royal University of Mexico, 1809; — Ferdi- nand VII., Royal Badge of Allegiance " College of...
GUESZ, HANS (Austr.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Kremnitz, 1618-1648. He prepared dies for a Hungarian coinage of Ducats, Thalers, Half, and Quarter-Thalers, of various dates. He also engraved several medals, signed H. G. : Portrait-medal of Ferdi- nand II., as King of Hungary, 1618 ; — Prize Medal for the Kremnitz College, 1618; — Religious medal; — Commemorative medal of the Diet of Ratisbon, 1633; — Ferdinand III., 1638; — Ferdinand III. and Queen Maria Anna; — Susanna Hoflinger; — Johann v...
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GUESZ, HANS (Austr.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Kremnitz, 1618-1648. He prepared dies for a Hungarian coinage of Ducats, Thalers, Half, and Quarter-Thalers, of various dates. He also engraved several medals, signed H. G. : Portrait-medal of Ferdi- nand II., as King of Hungary, 1618 ; — Prize Medal for the Kremnitz College, 1618; — Religious medal; — Commemorative medal of the Diet of Ratisbon, 1633; — Ferdinand III., 1638; — Ferdinand III. and Queen Maria Anna; — Susanna Hoflinger; — Johann v...
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GUIDIZZANI, MARCO (?) (Ital.). Venetian Medallist, who was working, circa 1460. His signature : M. GVIDIZZANI occurs on three medals : Bartolommeo Colleone, Condottiere of Bergamo, 1400- 1475 ; — Orsato Giustiniani, Procurator of Sr. Mark at Venice, 1459-1464; — Pasquale Malipieri, Doge of Venice, 1457-1462. A fourth, representing the last-named Doge and his consort Giovanna Dandolo, was attributed to this artist by Dr Friedlander, but is really the work of Pietro da Fano. No biographical detail...
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GUIDIZZANI, MARCO (?) (Ital.). Venetian Medallist, who was working, circa 1460. His signature : M. GVIDIZZANI occurs on three medals : Bartolommeo Colleone, Condottiere of Bergamo, 1400- 1475 ; — Orsato Giustiniani, Procurator of Sr. Mark at Venice, 1459-1464; — Pasquale Malipieri, Doge of Venice, 1457-1462. A fourth, representing the last-named Doge and his consort Giovanna Dandolo, was attributed to this artist by Dr Friedlander, but is really the work of Pietro da Fano. No biographical detail...
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