HANS LENKER. Die-sinker and Medallist at Augsburg, 1620-1630.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
GUESZ, HANS (Austr.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Kremnitz, 1618-1648. He prepared dies for a Hungarian coinage of Ducats, Thalers, Half, and Quarter-Thalers, of various dates. He also engraved several medals, signed H. G. : Portrait-medal of Ferdi- nand II., as King of Hungary, 1618 ; — Prize Medal for the Kremnitz College, 1618; — Religious medal; — Commemorative medal of the Diet of Ratisbon, 1633; — Ferdinand III., 1638; — Ferdinand III. and Queen Maria Anna; — Susanna Hoflinger; — Johann v...
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GUESZ, HANS (Austr.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Kremnitz, 1618-1648. He prepared dies for a Hungarian coinage of Ducats, Thalers, Half, and Quarter-Thalers, of various dates. He also engraved several medals, signed H. G. : Portrait-medal of Ferdi- nand II., as King of Hungary, 1618 ; — Prize Medal for the Kremnitz College, 1618; — Religious medal; — Commemorative medal of the Diet of Ratisbon, 1633; — Ferdinand III., 1638; — Ferdinand III. and Queen Maria Anna; — Susanna Hoflinger; — Johann v...
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GUIDIZZANI, MARCO (?) (Ital.). Venetian Medallist, who was working, circa 1460. His signature : M. GVIDIZZANI occurs on three medals : Bartolommeo Colleone, Condottiere of Bergamo, 1400- 1475 ; — Orsato Giustiniani, Procurator of Sr. Mark at Venice, 1459-1464; — Pasquale Malipieri, Doge of Venice, 1457-1462. A fourth, representing the last-named Doge and his consort Giovanna Dandolo, was attributed to this artist by Dr Friedlander, but is really the work of Pietro da Fano. No biographical detail...
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GUIDIZZANI, MARCO (?) (Ital.). Venetian Medallist, who was working, circa 1460. His signature : M. GVIDIZZANI occurs on three medals : Bartolommeo Colleone, Condottiere of Bergamo, 1400- 1475 ; — Orsato Giustiniani, Procurator of Sr. Mark at Venice, 1459-1464; — Pasquale Malipieri, Doge of Venice, 1457-1462. A fourth, representing the last-named Doge and his consort Giovanna Dandolo, was attributed to this artist by Dr Friedlander, but is really the work of Pietro da Fano. No biographical detail...
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GUICHARD, FRANZ (Germ.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Montbéliard, 1610-1620, and at Stuttgart until 1628. The name of this artist has been identified by Binder ( Württembergische Münz- und-Medaillenkunde, 1846). Guichard was Briot's successor at the Court of Würtemberg, and there is a great analogy in the style and manner of these engravers. To Guichard Erman attributes the following medals : 16 10. Johann Friedrich of Würtemberg (2 medals); — 1610. Ludwig Friedrich of Montbéliard (Itzinger col...
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GUICHARD, FRANZ (Germ.). Coin-engraver at the Mint of Montbéliard, 1610-1620, and at Stuttgart until 1628. The name of this artist has been identified by Binder ( Württembergische Münz- und-Medaillenkunde, 1846). Guichard was Briot's successor at the Court of Würtemberg, and there is a great analogy in the style and manner of these engravers. To Guichard Erman attributes the following medals : 16 10. Johann Friedrich of Würtemberg (2 medals); — 1610. Ludwig Friedrich of Montbéliard (Itzinger col...
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GUITON, GERMAIN (French). Medallist, and Jeton-engraver, men- tioned in documents between 1531 and 1547 . The following Jetons are mentioned by Mazerolle : 1531, Jetons for François Benenaud ; — 1533, 1534 and 1537, Jetons for Francis, Duke of Brittany, Henry de France, Duke of Orleans, and Charles de France, Duke of Orleans, also for the MAster of the Chambre aux Deniers du Roi ; — 1540, Jetons for Renée de France, Duchess of Ferrara, and her officers; — 1540, Jetons for Jean Chassebras, seigne...
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GUITON, GERMAIN (French). Medallist, and Jeton-engraver, men- tioned in documents between 1531 and 1547 . The following Jetons are mentioned by Mazerolle : 1531, Jetons for François Benenaud ; — 1533, 1534 and 1537, Jetons for Francis, Duke of Brittany, Henry de France, Duke of Orleans, and Charles de France, Duke of Orleans, also for the MAster of the Chambre aux Deniers du Roi ; — 1540, Jetons for Renée de France, Duchess of Ferrara, and her officers; — 1540, Jetons for Jean Chassebras, seigne...
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