HUPIERRE, or HURPIÉRE (French). Neither Jal nor Guiffrey have been able to find any biographical information concerning this Medallist, who worked for the Paris Mint, during the fourth quarter of the seventeenth century. The following dies are attributed to him : 1688. Naval Battle of Agosta; — Strassburg fortified; — 1692. Naval Battle of Carthagena; — Sobieski, Knight of the King's Orders; — Capture of Montmédy; — Capture of the town of Condé; — Raising of the Siege of Charleroi ; — 1693. Institution of the Military Order of Saint-Louis; — Sewerage of Paris, 1669; — Capture of Montmédy; — 1694, Battle of Nerwinden (signed Hupierre f.); — Foundation of Huningen (signed Hupére f.) ; — 1696. Battle of Senef; — Capture of Montmédy ; — Battle of the Downs ; — Rais ing of the Siege of Charleroi ; — Sobieski invested as a Knight of the King's Orders; — Engagement of Leuze (signed Hupierre); — Two Portraits of the King ; — Capture of Thionville ; — Engage- ment off Tobago. To these must be added : Embellishment of Paris (1669) (signed Hupierre f.); — Capture of the Citadel ot Casale (1681) (signed H. F.); — Bust of the King (signed Hupierre f.) ; — Portrait of Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de Toulouse, French Admiral (signed H.); — Homage of the Duke of Lorraine (1661) (signed H. F.). According to the Mercure Hupi?re (who is there named Heupi?re) engraved also two jettons for the Admiralty in 1698 and 1699. Bibliography. — Jal , op. cit. — J. J. Guiffrey, La Monnaie des Médailles, Revue numismatique, 1888, p. 314. — Blanchet, op. cit., II, p. 397.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
HILDEBRAND, BERNARD (French). Contemporary Gem-engraver, born at Mantoillot (Côte-d'Or). He studied drawing at the Munici- pal School under M. Lequien, Rue des Petits-Hôtels, Paris, and there obtained a gold medal. His first exhibits at the Salon, in 1885 and 1886, are Cameo-portraits, a large number of which he exe- cuted at about that time for American families then residing at Paris. In the following years, Hildebrand produced, beside very fine Portraits, some beautiful cameos, amongst which ...
HILDEBRAND, BERNARD (French). Contemporary Gem-engraver, born at Mantoillot (Côte-d'Or). He studied drawing at the Munici- pal School under M. Lequien, Rue des Petits-Hôtels, Paris, and there obtained a gold medal. His first exhibits at the Salon, in 1885 and 1886, are Cameo-portraits, a large number of which he exe- cuted at about that time for American families then residing at Paris. In the following years, Hildebrand produced, beside very fine Portraits, some beautiful cameos, amongst which ...
HILDEBRAND, PROFESSOR ADOLF (Germ.). One of the foremost German Sculptors of modern times, was born at Marburg, on the 6th of October 1847. He studied first at Jena, then at Nuremberg; he visited Rome in 1867 where he made a stay of eighteen months; in 1870, he settled at Berlin, but two years after returned again to Italy, opening a studio at Florence. He now resides at Munich. The works of Hildebrand are very numerous; several have been purchased by the German government and are exhibited at t...
HILDEBRAND, PROFESSOR ADOLF (Germ.). One of the foremost German Sculptors of modern times, was born at Marburg, on the 6th of October 1847. He studied first at Jena, then at Nuremberg; he visited Rome in 1867 where he made a stay of eighteen months; in 1870, he settled at Berlin, but two years after returned again to Italy, opening a studio at Florence. He now resides at Munich. The works of Hildebrand are very numerous; several have been purchased by the German government and are exhibited at t...
HINGRE, LOUIS THÉOPHILE (French). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Écouen (Seine-et-Oise), came to Paris at the age of twelve years, and made his apprenticeship at the works ot Messrs Gervais. In 1858, he was obliged to take refuge in England, where he took employment with Messrs Elkington at Birming- ham as a chaser and ornamental sculptor. He resided seven years in England and while there made his first studies of animals. Since 1862 he has been a constant exhibitor at the Paris Sa...
HINGRE, LOUIS THÉOPHILE (French). Contemporary Sculptor and Medallist, born at Écouen (Seine-et-Oise), came to Paris at the age of twelve years, and made his apprenticeship at the works ot Messrs Gervais. In 1858, he was obliged to take refuge in England, where he took employment with Messrs Elkington at Birming- ham as a chaser and ornamental sculptor. He resided seven years in England and while there made his first studies of animals. Since 1862 he has been a constant exhibitor at the Paris Sa...
HOECKNER, JOHANN WILHELM (Germ.). Medallist of Dresden, and Engraver at the Mint, in the early part of the eighteenth cen- tury, circa 1702-173 3. His issues are mostly signedl. W. H. He worked for the Royal Court of Poland and Ducal House of Saxony under Augustus the Strong. Amnion attributes to him a medal of Count von Beichlingen, dated 1702, on which he has read the signature : I. W. HÖGENER. Bolzenthal remarks that this artist was the founder of a family of engravers, but Dr Erbstein mentio...
HOECKNER, JOHANN WILHELM (Germ.). Medallist of Dresden, and Engraver at the Mint, in the early part of the eighteenth cen- tury, circa 1702-173 3. His issues are mostly signedl. W. H. He worked for the Royal Court of Poland and Ducal House of Saxony under Augustus the Strong. Amnion attributes to him a medal of Count von Beichlingen, dated 1702, on which he has read the signature : I. W. HÖGENER. Bolzenthal remarks that this artist was the founder of a family of engravers, but Dr Erbstein mentio...