MASLITZER, HANS (Germ.). Goldsmith and Medallist of Nuremberg, circ. 1538-1574, of whom however very little is known. The late Alfred von Sallet suggested that he may have been the author of the medal reproduced here, which bears his portrait on obv. Neudörffer in his Nachrichten von Künstlern und Werkleuten, 1547, gives the following particulars of this artist: "dieser Maslitzer ist eine Zeit lang Rechenmeister gewesen und ein zierlicher Schreiber, wohl gegründet und berühmt. Seinen Anfang im Giessen hat er von Herrn Melchior Pfinzing, Propst, aber sein Fleiss und Uebung hat ihn mit göttlicher Hilf dahin bracht, dass er allen Goldschmiden genug zu giessen hätte. Er geusst aber von Gold und Silber und durchbrochen so rein, als wäre es verseubert (ciselirt) hohl gegossen oder getrieben. “In Probieren allerlei Erz Bergwerk, und Silber auch im Scheiden, ist er ganz gewiss(der erste) und alles das so an ein Münz gehört, kann er verrichten, und weiss im Prägen der Münz solche Vortheil, wie wenig Münzmeister noch erfunden werden. Die Probierung zu machen, hat er einen grossen Beruf, aber die Streichnadel von Gold und Silber zuzurichten, wird seines gleichen wenig gefunden. Er hat a. 1538 die goldene und bleierne Münz gegossen, die zum Gedaechtniss an dem Bau zwischen dem Vestner und Thiergärtner Thor gelegt worden. Ward Genannter des grösseren Raths 1532 ". Maslitzer died, according to Lochner, in 1574. The medal attributed to him, by Neudörffer, of the Building above-mentioned, is not by him, but by Peter Flötner, whose initials it bears ; and it is more likely that Maslitzer was not a modeller, but only a clever founder, who may have been employed to cast medals as well as other decorative and sculpture works. Bolzenthal expressed the same opinion, and states : " It is said of Hans Maslitzer that in 1538 he cast medals in gold, silver, copper and lead, which were laid as a memorial under the Building between the Vestner and Thiergärtner Gates. As Maslitzer was celebrated for his cast works in gold and silver, so do his medals belong to the most remarkable works of the kind, and as he lived until 1574, we may conclude that he executed many. Perhaps his own likeness at the age of 27 may have been his own production. " Ammon adds that Maslitzer did not sink irons, but on the other hand von Sallet connects his name with seal-engraving. Bibliography. — A. von Sallet, Deutsche Gussmedaillen, Zeits. für Num., XI, pp. 124-8. — Doppelmayr, op. cit. — Neudörffer, op.cit. — Bolzenthal, op. cit. — Ammon, op. cit.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
MANTEGNA, ANDREA (ltal). A celebrated Italian Painter and Engraver, born at Padua, 1430-1504. His works were numerous; he did altar-pieces and frescoes, his greatest being "The Triumph of Caesar". He was a man of versatile genius and poet as well as painter. His influence on Italian art was very considerable. At the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, are two bronze Plaques, both representing The Entombment, probably contemporary adaptations from the engraving on the same subject by Ma...
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MANTEGNA, ANDREA (ltal). A celebrated Italian Painter and Engraver, born at Padua, 1430-1504. His works were numerous; he did altar-pieces and frescoes, his greatest being "The Triumph of Caesar". He was a man of versatile genius and poet as well as painter. His influence on Italian art was very considerable. At the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, are two bronze Plaques, both representing The Entombment, probably contemporary adaptations from the engraving on the same subject by Ma...
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MARENDE, JEAN (French). Goldsmith of Bourg-en-Bresse, who in 1502 executed the large medal cast in gold (weighing 490 grammes) with portraits of Philibert the Fair and Margaret of Austria (obv. illustrated) which was presented to these Princes by the town of Bourg on their visit there. " La médaille de Philibert le Beau et de Marguerite d'Autriche", says Rondot, " aux bustes affrontés et au champ semé de devises est le produit d'un art savant ; elle a l'originalité, l'harmonie et l'élégance, san...
[ More about MARENDE, JEAN ]
MARENDE, JEAN (French). Goldsmith of Bourg-en-Bresse, who in 1502 executed the large medal cast in gold (weighing 490 grammes) with portraits of Philibert the Fair and Margaret of Austria (obv. illustrated) which was presented to these Princes by the town of Bourg on their visit there. " La médaille de Philibert le Beau et de Marguerite d'Autriche", says Rondot, " aux bustes affrontés et au champ semé de devises est le produit d'un art savant ; elle a l'originalité, l'harmonie et l'élégance, san...
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MARESCOTTI, ANTONIO (Ital.). Medallist of the second and third quarters of the fifteenth century, about whom, unfortunately, very little is known, beyond that he was one of the cleverest of early artists which Italy has produced in that particular branch, and that he resided at Ferrara. The seven medals which bear his signature are dated between 1446 and 1462 : Giovanni da Tossignano, bishop of Ferrara, † 1436; diam. 90 mill.; signed MARE SCOTVS and dated : MCCCC —XLVI ; — Antonio Marescotti, pr...
MARESCOTTI, ANTONIO (Ital.). Medallist of the second and third quarters of the fifteenth century, about whom, unfortunately, very little is known, beyond that he was one of the cleverest of early artists which Italy has produced in that particular branch, and that he resided at Ferrara. The seven medals which bear his signature are dated between 1446 and 1462 : Giovanni da Tossignano, bishop of Ferrara, † 1436; diam. 90 mill.; signed MARE SCOTVS and dated : MCCCC —XLVI ; — Antonio Marescotti, pr...
MARCHANT, NATHANIEL (Brit.). Gem-engraver and Medallist, born in Sussex in 1739, died in Somerset Place, London, in April 1816, aged 77. He was a pupil of Edward Burch, R. A., and in 1766 became a Member of the Incorporated Society of Artists. In 1773, he went to Rome, where he studied and worked for sixteen years. He sent impressions from ancient intaglios to the Royal Academy from 1781 to 1785. and continued to exhibit there until 1811. In 1791 he was elected Associate of the Royal Academy, an...
MARCHANT, NATHANIEL (Brit.). Gem-engraver and Medallist, born in Sussex in 1739, died in Somerset Place, London, in April 1816, aged 77. He was a pupil of Edward Burch, R. A., and in 1766 became a Member of the Incorporated Society of Artists. In 1773, he went to Rome, where he studied and worked for sixteen years. He sent impressions from ancient intaglios to the Royal Academy from 1781 to 1785. and continued to exhibit there until 1811. In 1791 he was elected Associate of the Royal Academy, an...