OEVER, WILHELM (Germ.). Mint-master at Worms under Charles V., and later.
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Source: Biographical dictionary of medallists; coin, gem, and seal-engravers, mint-masters, ancient and modern, with references to their works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900; compiled by L. Forrer, London 1904
Mint master:
In medieval and early modern Germany, the Münzmeister ("mint master", the Latin term is monetarius) was the director or administrator of a mint, a moneyer with responsibility for the minting of coins, or specie. His duties were defined differently at different locations and ages.
NEUSS, AUGUST (Germ.). Son of Johann Jakob Neuss, and also a Medallist, who worked at Augsburg, circ. 1840- 1870. On his father's death, he became the owner of the Die-sinking establishment, founded by him towards the end of the eighteenth century. A commemorative medal of the First German Parliament, dated 1848, still bears the signature of J. J. Neuss as Director, and of A. Neuss as the Engraver. The artists, Sebald, R. Däufler, Rabausch, and others worked for A. Neuss, whose name then appea...
[ More about NEUSS, AUGUST ]
NEUSS, AUGUST (Germ.). Son of Johann Jakob Neuss, and also a Medallist, who worked at Augsburg, circ. 1840- 1870. On his father's death, he became the owner of the Die-sinking establishment, founded by him towards the end of the eighteenth century. A commemorative medal of the First German Parliament, dated 1848, still bears the signature of J. J. Neuss as Director, and of A. Neuss as the Engraver. The artists, Sebald, R. Däufler, Rabausch, and others worked for A. Neuss, whose name then appea...
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NEUSS, JOHANN JAKOB (Germ.). Son of J. J. Neuss Senr. ; Medallist, and Gem-engraver, and owner of a private mint at Augsburg ; born in 1770 ; died in 1847 or 1848. He was apprenticed to J. M. Bückle, on whose appointment as " Hofmedailleur " to the Court of Baden, he became Medallist to the city of Augsburg. After the incorporation of that town in the kingdom of Bavaria, he obtained the title of K. B. Hofgraveur. The medals by Neuss, says Nagler, are of tasteful treatment, and of very careful a...
[ More about NEUSS, JOHANN JAKOB (2.) ]
NEUSS, JOHANN JAKOB (Germ.). Son of J. J. Neuss Senr. ; Medallist, and Gem-engraver, and owner of a private mint at Augsburg ; born in 1770 ; died in 1847 or 1848. He was apprenticed to J. M. Bückle, on whose appointment as " Hofmedailleur " to the Court of Baden, he became Medallist to the city of Augsburg. After the incorporation of that town in the kingdom of Bavaria, he obtained the title of K. B. Hofgraveur. The medals by Neuss, says Nagler, are of tasteful treatment, and of very careful a...
[ More about NEUSS, JOHANN JAKOB (2.) ]
NEWTON, SIR ISAAC (Brit.). A famous natural philosopher, born in Woolsthorpe, near Grantham, in Lincolnshire, 25. December 1642, died in London, 20. March, 1727; buried in Westminster Abbey. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661, where he applied himself to the study of mathematics, becoming professor in 1669. He invented the method of fluxions, established the theory of gravitation, discovered the composition of light, &c. In 1687, encouraged by Halley, he published his "Principia". I...
[ More about NEWTON, SIR ISAAC ]
NEWTON, SIR ISAAC (Brit.). A famous natural philosopher, born in Woolsthorpe, near Grantham, in Lincolnshire, 25. December 1642, died in London, 20. March, 1727; buried in Westminster Abbey. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661, where he applied himself to the study of mathematics, becoming professor in 1669. He invented the method of fluxions, established the theory of gravitation, discovered the composition of light, &c. In 1687, encouraged by Halley, he published his "Principia". I...
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NICLAUSSE, PAUL FRANCOIS (French). Contemporary Medallist and Sculptor, born at Metz (Lorraine) ; pupil of Thomas, Ponscarme, and others. He has exhibited at the Paris Salons since 1896 : Two Portraitmedallions; — 1897. Two bronze medals and Four Portraitmedallions in clay ; — 1898. Musique guerri?re, medal (illustrated); — Four Portrait-medallions in bronze: Mme Dupont; — M. Dupont; M. Walter Dailey ; — Dr Henri Bonnet; — 1900. Montyon Prize Medal (59 mill.) ; — 1901. Medal for the "Club d'Unio...
NICLAUSSE, PAUL FRANCOIS (French). Contemporary Medallist and Sculptor, born at Metz (Lorraine) ; pupil of Thomas, Ponscarme, and others. He has exhibited at the Paris Salons since 1896 : Two Portraitmedallions; — 1897. Two bronze medals and Four Portraitmedallions in clay ; — 1898. Musique guerri?re, medal (illustrated); — Four Portrait-medallions in bronze: Mme Dupont; — M. Dupont; M. Walter Dailey ; — Dr Henri Bonnet; — 1900. Montyon Prize Medal (59 mill.) ; — 1901. Medal for the "Club d'Unio...